thank god. the CB was such a royal pain in the ass from the previous owner hacking shit up.
LOL. I started re-working the brake-side foot control, but the stock master cylinder and reservoir are way too bulky. I bought a dirtbike one on ebay and am waiting on it’s arrival to finish building the forward controls. then I just have to put the electronics back in and install chain/sprockets and she’s ready for a test ride. then I’ll break back down to clean up some welds and paint the frame and rattle-can the rear fender temporarily so I can ride this season without getting too involved prettying it up.
Glad I don’t have a “build” thread on here for mine, lol.
Limited activity lately on the vintage scoot front. Must be the cold weather…
Nick, good to hear things are still moving forward!
limited activity from me is due to silly things like “employment” and “money”, as well as “time” thanks to all of the swearing I’ve been doing on the focus project. There’s a reason my house has been named “Anger St. Kustoms” lol. I’m a very angry soul when wrenching.
Bump, fufufufufufu.
This weekend: beers, slampigs, hookers with fake hair, Mt.Dew, murderdogs, burnouts, pizza and angle grinders.
actually, the dirtbike rear master cylinder I bought came in, so I can get into fabbing the brake control up and then its just wiring and paint.
my beer thing went off.
1 beer that is lol sissy.
So I’m a huge fucking idiot and have mental issues and a majorly distorted view of priorities. Instead of finishing my current projects, I went in on three more. LOL. Pirite, Checko, and myself ran out to LeRoy NY last night and snapped up a wicked deal for three yamaha triples…two xs750’s and one xs850. YAY MOAR PROJECTS! (help me, I’m fucked)
You’re an idiot.
Finally got around to making the brake side forward control tonight after a much needed clean-up of the garage (thanks Checko and Luke for helping out).
Grabbed a dirtbike master with reservoir on ebay for $13 shipped and Luke brought a busted MAC wrench from work, and this is what happened with it:
missing picture of owner of bike in riding form…
Agreed. Post “test fit” photo.
lol, looks raw. I like it.
Lol so good haha!
Finish all the mechanical bits… And ride the bitch, don’t clean a thing up or paint anything haha