Food poisining? and how to deal with?!?

I am pretty sure I got food poisining from a chicken sub I got yesterday at Subway…

It is horribly uncomfortable…

Anyone know the best way to deal with this sort of thing. I slept like 2 hrs last nite, made myself puke this morning, and have tried pepto bismol to soothe my stomach.

rest, it will pass just takes some time

What subway was this?

typically, food poisoning from spoilage doesn’t last all damn day. so either it’s not the typical food poisoning, you got not-fully-cooked chicken, the bird flu, or something totally unrelated to your trip to Subway.

lol u sound like you work there


^^^ i had it last a WEEK once

the entire wek before it started i only ate at home … not once did i eat anything that i hadnt made

i spent a week shitting my brains out … in at 330, out at 340 … by the end of the week i couldnt make it up a set of stairs without using my arms to do the top 5 or 6 steps

finaly i figured out what it was … the day before it started i had grabbed a hoho rom the package, popped it upen and quickly bit off a section and swallowed it … and then realized the hoho was all shitty cause the other end of the package never got sealed … guess i should made myself puke it up …

I got it last new years, was in bed for like 3 days, vomiting, diahrea (sp?), and body aches. Get yourself some popsicles and gatorade and just try to keep yourself hydrated, all you can do is let it pass.

stay hydrated. “try” to sleep, watch tv, try and keep your mind off it

That is what I’ve been doing. But daytime TV sucks. I took the day off because I am a total mess right now.

I slept like 3 hours total last nite, and the sleep I did get was shitty as well. I’ve puked 4 times. There is absolutely nothing in my stomach either. it totally sucks.

Was it from the the E.A. SUBWAY???

Nah… Arcade.

I got food poisioning from eating a burger at WalMart once, I should of known better. I had to go to the hospital, i really needed a IV to get fluids back in me. I think my case might of been more severe than yours though.

Sry, but you have the flu! Its going around and you must have gotten contact with it by someone. FLUIDS FLUIDS FLUIDS!!! Specially Electrolites!

I’ve had food poisoning before. usually lasts me a few hours…mostly shitting and puking. By the time I’m empty, I feel fine again.

Lots of gatorade :tup:

I’ve heard from a chemist that if the bad food is still in your stomach, a good thing to do is eat burnt toast. the carbon does something with the poisons…

counteracts, soaks up whatever is poisoning you, I don’t know exactly.

Iv never heard that, but it is interesting. In cases of overdosing and stuff we give the patient charcoal. it soaks up and keps filter the poison, then they usually pump the stomach to get it out. Im only a basic EMT so I personally cant do it but ive seen it done…kinda gross lol.

Nope. It doesn’t spread easily among people yet but it’s been in humans for months and has killed >70 people.

lol, thats far from food poisoning.

you would have puked 10-20 times today before noon if that was it.

no, i’ve never had it before… ugghhh