food poisoning ughhhh

its either flu or food poisoning, I’m leaning more tword the second oen because I’ve had this before. It was either dennys or arbys not sure.
Either way I’ve had the worse stomach ache since friday. I spent most of my friday from 7.26am and on in the shithouse.
I didnt really eat much friday, but since I have been drinking gatorade diluted with water and tons of water. I’m tired of shitting and tired of the terrible stomach ache. How much longer should this last? Should I go to a doctor? Anything I should do? Imodium seems to help but I’m unsure if I should be bottling up whatever is causing this.

i think you should do nothing and just let it kill you :tup:

most cases arent deadly. :banghead:

that’s gross that you actually ate at dennys AND arbys, and from the way it sounds, it was probably the same day too.

i ate at dennys at midnight against better judgement on wens. (it was midnight and mcdonalds is even more gross)
Arbys was thursday night. fucking 5 for 5.

but there is always that one :wink:

and i thought you said that you didnt eat junk food? not only did u eat arbys, but you ate 5 fucking sandwiches

Any kind of anti diarheal is not good for a case of food poisoning. I would recommend going to the ER as that is where any doctor will send you if you have food poisoning. Also highly recommend it if you have health insurance. I did not and it cost me 12000 and I was in the hospital for 3 days only… fuck.

If it is food poisoning you need to get on fluids and antibiotics, unfortunately.

I waited a week before going to the hospital. You can try and see how it goes but drink lots of water as you are dehydrating yourself everytime you use the toilet.

Good luck, shitty situation :stuck_out_tongue:

Look on the bright side…

Maybe you will lose some weight.

I think I found your problem:

8 Homeless Sickened – Shelter’s Chili Suspected Cause Of Food Poisoning

By Dee Norton

Buffalo News Staff Reporter

Epidemiologists are focusing on chili as the possible cause of food poisoning that made 125 homeless people violently ill after eating dinner at the Downtown Emergency Center Tuesday night, sending about 45 to hospitals for treatment.

Many of the 162 who ate the meal of chili, mixed vegetables, rolls with butter, milk and orange juice “were feeling badly by about 1:30 a.m. (Sunday) and reported severe symptoms by about 3:30 a.m.,” said Bill Hobson, the emergency center’s executive director.

Carl O’Neill, chief of environmental health for the Erie County Department of Health, said the illness was caused by a staphylococcus bacterial infection.

Buffalo Fire Department medics were called to treat the homeless center’s ill clients, whose symptoms included diarrhea and stomach cramps. About 45 people were taken to various Buffalo hospitals, including Erie County Medical Center, and Millard Fillmore Medical Center.

About 30 of them later returned to the center, Hobson said. “As far as I know none of them were kept in the hospitals. They were just treated there.”

The center was particularly crowded Tuesday night because of the snowstorm and cold temperatures. About 20 more people than the normal capacity of 220 had crowded into the center that night, Hobson said.

By yesterday afternoon the entire 14,000-square-foot center had been scrubbed with a bleach solution and all bedding washed to kill any possible bacteria and prevent a reoccurrence, Hobson said.

O’Neill said: "This is one of the first events like this we have seen in a number of years.

“The reason it comes on so quickly is because of the toxin or poison that is produced by the bacteria itself,” O’Neill said. “We are looking at the chili because it appears to be the common item that the people ate.”

His staff is hoping to “reconstruct events, how the food was cooked, who cooked it, how it was cooled. We would like to find some samples of the chili,” O"Neill said.

Like most meals served by the center, the dinner was prepared by Common Meals, a nonprofit organization that trains homeless people in food preparation and also operates a cafe in a church-operated apartment building for low-income residents.

Common Meals supplies two other centers and some Head Start programs. Hobson said none of them reported similar problems.

Common Meals has supplied the center for eight years “and this is the first time there has been a problem,” he said.

Officials of Common Meals were not available last night for comment.

Hobson said the center’s meal service has been suspended pending completion of the investigation by O’Neill’s staff.


i had food poisoning once … 8 days later it was finally out of my system.

i traced it back to a hoho that i had grabbed out of the box and started to chow down to fast, turned out the wrapper wasnt sealed … only swallowed 1/2 a bite before realizing … that did me in

talk about fast food … in one end out the other for 8 days straight

lol at beck

nah man your prob is obv the fact that you ate arbys and dennys in a 24 hr period. they are now doing battle for the greater good, and sadly your stomach is the battlegrounds

i wish you the best of luck

Could be worse,you could of ate at the China king.:mamoru::mamoru:

glad you got the food I sent you!!!

“I’m so hungry, I could eat at Arby’s” - The Simpsons

Got food poisoning from RIT Gracies Pizza I was in bed or in the shitter for 5 days, good luck

I thought you vomit more than get the poopies when you have food poisoning? If the poops just the case, apparently I get food poisoning everytime I eat Dennys or Arbys.

Someone I know that worked for Dennys said that their recommended cooking times for a lot of foods were too low. He would cook things longer when he ate there, and when we did if possible. Late night Dennys meals always seem to end with a race to the shitter in the morning, and then I’m fine. Mighty is the same way- I’ve since reformed my eating habits.

Do a shot of apple cider vinegar, and chase it with a full glass of water right away.

You’ll be better in a few hours, thank me later.