food poisoning at fudds.

Alright, no offense to anyone who works there or whatever, I just wanted to share a story with you guys.

Last night I went to the fuddruckers on maple, next to where hooters was/is.

6 of us went together, including my girlfriends friends from florida.

Out of the party of 6 people, three have food poisoning, including myself.

Now if it were just me or whatever, i’d just blow it off, but 3 people c’mon now.

We all ordered burgers, mine was medium well, the other two had them well done.

Let me tell you guys something about food poisoning. Its the worst illness I’ve ever had. I’m 24, and I have never felt this bad.

I’ve been up since 3 in the morning sick as a dog. Its so bad I can’t even drink a cup of water without it coming back up (or out).

Its now after 5pm, and I feel marginally better, but not even close to well.

Use caution guys…

YES!!! SOOOO fucking glad I never ordered food last night. Just beer after beer…

God i must have seen you there, I was soo drunk it was awesome

thats the 4th person who tld me this in a month

glad i chose tullys over there last night

yeah we were there the entire time.

I won’t be back thats for sure.

glad I wasnt able to meet ya’s up there J :lol: that blows dude

atleast we won :smiley:

call the manager.

thats fucked up dude.

My girlfriend is adament about calling and bitching, I don’t blame her.

I would do it myself, but I wouldn’t be able to, seeing as i’m making trips to the el bano every five minutes.

Im not so sure free foods the answer to this one, maybe call the health dept

haha glad you didn’t’ come this time bud.

I’ll take a chance at food poisoning for dollar saranac black and tans…

i didnt know u were alive butt plug

lol yeah… alive and kicking. Unfortunitly though the dive I’m living in at the moment is quite the buzz kill :tdown:

when is the next trip to the downer man?

call the health dept

can’t hurt :tup:

hope you feel better man :frowning:

I know the manager, she’s nice, talk to april.

I’ve never set foot in a fuddruckers,in the 90’s they had ecoli problems and its made me stay away ever since.

The person flipping the burgers probably doesn’t give a rats ass about safe food handling and thats why im selective at all restraunts.

Medium-Well? Thats just asking for it too,lol.

thats how i get alll my meat i have never had food poisining

it is? there should be some sort of balance between worrying about diseases and not wanting to eat a hockey puck…
I’m a medium rare guy myself…medium for burgers

i was gonna go there last night… glad i didn’t. i’ve never been to a fudds… always looked like gross grease food to me.

complain anyways. you will get a giftcard or something.

Meh, I dunno, I ate there a LOT, i never had any problems