food poisoning.......

i got food poisoning tueday night, and up until today-friday, i lost 11 lbs. it was the worst. i missed 2 days of work, and my ass so sore from wiping…

If you could bottle it and sell it as a diet, you’d be a billionaire.

there was a flu going around that is short but shitty is causes vomiting and diarhia (sp) I got it for a day and couldn’t quit going to the bathroom I was like wtf

I need to jump on that diet.

nonetheless, sorry to hear about that

what did you eat from where?

Bad snatch:bowrofl:

mmm the shits… i walked into the bathroom today at work.dropped the duece…and the fuckin TP roll was MIA… try reaching under to the next stall… nothing there either… had to call my buddy to bring in one… son of a bitch.

Good thing you got hold of someone or you would have had to do the pants-around-the-ankles shuffle to the paper towels. And of course someone would have walked in right then.

Charmin Plus FTW!!!

Where / What did you eat to get food poisoning? Hope you are feeling better…

baby wipes > *

I’ve been there, its no fun.

it sucked, it was the worst i,ve ever felt. id rather the flu.