For All the 300ZX Ownerz!

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now you seen it one extra time

no worries NSMO-GTR he drives his 300zx in the winter… lol mine goes in storage nov 1st then doesnt come out again never thought someone would be so foolish to risk such a nice whip!

plus look at his pic his got those rims on and theres snow on the ground… tisk tisk what a waste at least through the stocks on

NSMO-GTR = Jeremy = Original Co-owner of TNC and Beginning Co-owner of rival Forum, which is now no longer in existence.

fetusXkusk, those taillights on your Alty look pretty dark… hmmmm

I honestly don’t know what to say to you about your opinion of me driving my 300 in the winter… hahaha it’s just not worth it. Fellow early TNC members will probably say I’ve gotten weak.