Well it was a fun, tiring, pissed off, hecktic, etc… etc… etc… car I ever turboed, well besides the Supra of course

When I had my civic si, I put my turbo kit on a few times, because I took it off a few times to add gaskets, etc… I also installed a kit on my friends Si and then got paid to install another kit on his friends Si. I could do a Honda Civic Si kit in a day completed, running, etc.
I thought the VW wouldnt be that bad, esp since Sailor stopped down, he is the VW man. We also just didnt put a turbo kit on, we did gauges, motor mounts (didnt even get to those yet), head gasket, new studs for the heat / downpipe / manifold, turbo timer, etc… along with the fact that we had all these parts to install, the parts that he got from his turbo kit from his friend were junk, the manifold was cracked, we had to weld it back up, the downpipe looks like it came off of a YZ250 motor in a go-kart or something
and the oil return line had a hole in it.
Whitey was pissed, he is going to :reloading :stick: :bash: the kid he knows from california that sold him the kid until he looks like this :weak: . That dude was an asshole for not taking pics of the damage to the kit and letting him know and knock off some money. He at least deserves $100-$150 back on the manifold since a new one is like $300 and $50 for the oil return line which had a hole in it, and $250-$300 for a new downpipe that is total crap.
All in all this is a good kit to get him started, he needs to upgrade to a new downpipe 1st, the one thats on the kit will do him ok for a few months, until late spring, etc… but that is going to restrict him a decent bit, its nice where it mounts to the turbo, but after that a piece of regular exhaust pipe thats welded on to it, it goes from a nice size down to what looks like Civic VX exhaust piping. His manifold is next to go, but it should hold up for a while the crack was in a place that was easy to weld.
So to sum the parts up, I would say everything should hold up good except the downpipe that is critical and the 1st thing to be replaced because he needs an exhaust that will bolt up to it and it will not bolt up to the downpipe thats on the car right now, so he is going to be open downpipe for a while :eek:
but thats more fun anyways 
This winter im sure he will upgrade to a nice manifold, external wastegate, and a bigger turbo… but the kit he got is perfect for him to start out on, it would have been a lot nicer if the shit wasnt fucked up.
I think we all had a good time working on the car, even though it drained all of us completely. Working on it Friday night, ALL day Saturday, and ALL day Sunday will get to you, especially if you work down here, its Monday morning and it sucks cause it still feels like I was here from this weekend.
I never really hung out with Whitey before, I met him at Carlisle this past year but that was it. I met a really awsome friend by doing this and im glad I did, all my time / tools / garage / house / spare bedroom, etc was a DONATON to Pittspeed
since I didnt PayPal the site any money.
So by Sunday night we were all tired / stressed / pissed and we had to get the car out of the way so the body men could work this morning… so they took the car up hybrid where its getting finished this week sometime hopefully.
Thanks to all the people that came together to make this possible. Myself, Whitey, Sailor, Chad, Sonny, Metzner, Scott Tessmers drill press, Pewter for the nipple ;), Habbs for the oil return line, & ITR41 for the food at the Foster House 
Once the car is done & running im sure we wil post some pics !
Good luck Sailor and Whitey finishing the car, I had enough working on the Jetta, I wanna drive it !!!