For all you office worker/professional types


Sometimes it takes a while for places to get back…


This is the absolute truth. Here is something you have to understand.

Work is happening all the time, all day, consistently. Frequently the last thing on anyone’s mind is hiring someone new. We’ve had people interview here and even though we wanted them, we didn’t call them back for two weeks just because there was always other shit going on :stuck_out_tongue: She said she wanted to set it up, so she wants to set it up.

And being persistent till you hear a definitive “NO” is rewarding. A friend on this board called a company for 4 straight months about a chance to internship… after 6 total months, they finally got back to him about it. But instead of an internship they wanted to hire him full time… and that’s what they did.

Don’t give up and think you are the ‘shit.’ you will have to eat crow sometimes before you can get what you want.