Job searching sucks.

I had three interviews last tuesday, and all of them went good. The interviews were for Fedex, Pipitone Group, and Connect Imaging. All of the interviews went great. I was really hoping for the position at Pipitone group, as it suited me best. The position was for a System Administrator. I thought I did well at the interview. I was told by most of the people that interviewed me I would hear back from them by the end of last week. I heard back from Fedex next day, but they were offering a contracted job for three months, but no health benefits. I told them no thank you, the benefits held me back. I heard back from Connect Imaging today finally and I have a second interview with them tomorrow.

After calling Pipitone Group on friday, they told me they would get back to me on Monday, which I did not hear anyhitng back from them. I talked to the job co-ordinator at PTI, and she talked to the lady and she was told they picked someone. I understand there are WAY more qualified poeple in the I.T. field, but what got me pissed off the most was that they could not call me back and atleast let me know they picked someone else. I’ve been waiting to hear from them for days, and have been holding off on many others possible interviews with a local company, and then I hear form a third party.

Seriously, if you interview a gorup of people and then you pick someone, atleast let them know that someone else was picked, and not have to keep them waiting. It’s been hard enough with a Associates Degree to try to find a job, let alone having to hold off on others to get something.


I feel your pain…job searching can be rough

I feel you man. I’m moving to fl. in a couple of months and I just spent the last 3 hrs applying for jobs down there. Anyone know of any photog places down there.

yea that does suck… what sucks also is when companies interview ppl with no intention of hiring anyone… they just do it to keep people interested … oh yea, they call it a “courtesy” … HA

courtesy is a reach around

Heh, ive been going on interviews for IT posistions for the last 4 months. Last one I went too the IT guy quit in the middle of the hiring process. Ive been out of school 2 years and I cant find shit, all I want is entry lvl, i could care less about the pay at this point. I need my damn foot in the door.

i actually enjoy job searching. in the accounting industry there a lot of openings and a lot of great oppourtunities. sucks when the company isn’t professional to you, though. good luck looking for a job! fedex is a BITCH of an application.

it never ends, i’ve been doing it daily for years

Go into healthcare, you’ll never have a problem finding a job again.

yes you will

the markets go in circles. I remember when IT was the big thing and you could quit your job and have one the next day for more money. It will be like that again someday. I can also remember nurses having trouble finding work because 11ty billion people went to school for nursing and flooded the market.

If you want to get your foot in the door, go to a headhunter and get a job there. You will probably be placed in a descent company that you can go full time with in a year or so. :dunno:

todays nurses are yesterdays teachers


I feel your pain. I keep bobbing in and out of work. I have an interview at Penn United Technology today for a quality control job at their carbide facility. I hope like crazy I get the job.

Well, I had a second interview yesterday as well as a phone interview with Expedient. I will be going in next Wed. to alk with the guy. Wish me luck on both.

Don’t work for Expedient… worst company in Pittsburgh! :slight_smile:

It seems like it would be a cool place to work, the hours are a bit different, but it would be nice.

you will learn more in the NOC in 6 weeks then you would at any IT trade school for 6 years. I will guarantee that, the interview is technical… and the interviewer lurks these forums… muhahah

Any tips on what they will ask or anyhting specifically I should be prepared for?

hahaha…potential ownage!

if you degree was in engineering, i could get you into a couple of places.