Job searching sucks.

I was in the same boat. I finally moved down here to nashville to work for dell, as they’ve been hiring like crazy. :stick:

I have my computer engineering degree and still can’t find a job in the feild, going back for masters I guess.

WHat sucks more is trying to find Part-time IT work. I only want like 20-25 hours of work. The problem with most people who come out with just an Ass degree from a tech school is the lack of job experience.

Well, I got the job I went for at penn united. I have a physical and drug testing on monday. WOOOT!

Job searching is like getting traffic tickets. Once you get one, They all seem to want you.

Yamaha - What position did u apply for w/ FedEX? I work for FedEX part-time loading boxes into trucks for delivery.

My dad hooked me up with a job at the home depot for 10 bucks an hour. not bad for a 17 year old. GL.

premium wood what a joke.

anyway congrats.

what contracter position did fedex offer u? currently i am a cntractor through fedex and they offer full time pay + benefits after 30 days and basically all the incentives as a true fedex employee, just not as high pay. i am in level II Pc support, right out of ITT Tech.

if ur still intersted i think their still hiring.

It was level one tech support, it was only garunteed for three months. I originally declined the position, but they called back and offered benefits with it. The ten dollars an hour salary is what originally scared me away. I make that where I work now.

Im waiting to hear back from Connect Imaging today, as well as I have an interview with Expedient coming up later this week. Who knows, I may just go back to school for my Bachelors degree.


edit: I need to call you as well.