For everyone that says theres no IT jobs in PGh

Just look at the number of CMU’s IT listings

62 as of now! I was suprised. Pitt also as a bunch

Hopefully that list will be just as long in March -> April… (and the salary is more than what I make now)

people that think there are no jobs are the lazy people that don’t look…

i have found an ample amount of jobs in the pittsburgh area for the past 4 years. :dunno:

its not that there aren’t jobs. its just hard to get a company to notice you. in my case, i was lucky enough to have a friend get me into a temp position, and then i just proved myself to them.

They do have a lot of jobs listed but they aren’t paying much. They have a job for a senior software engineer listed which requires a BS, 2-3 years of programming experience, and it only pays 32-60k. You could find better if you looked longer. Of course, it would probably be good for someone that wants to get a higher level degree from CMU.

thats what Im looking for, free schooling is key

it depends what area you’re looking for, it took me a couple years to find a job that paid even a liveable amount

we’ll see how my new job pans out, it’s not so much it based as it is general it knowlege which is good i hate working on computers all day. it’ll be nice to get out and do stuff in the area and make a good amount of money

CMU: great benefits, low pay…

you’re not IT.

i was just talking about that… i got offered plenty of money for what i do… :dunno:

lol i saw that