For GTR owners. Bleeding the ATTESA system

The HPI magazine I got a few weeks ago, said that most systems likely should be bled as soon as the cars arrive. They illustrate teh procedure and it looks to be a two person operation. Who has had thier sytems bled already?

Hmm, I haven’t done that yet. I’ll have to look into that, it should be in the FSM as well. Sounds like a good item on the spring tune-up list :smiley:

Yes, it is in the FSM.

Why don’t we get together in April and have a “change the fluids day”? We can help each other out.

I’d help in that, and I don’t even own a GT-R!

Perhaps I could be the first four wheel steering swapping Spec V? :E

Who has a heated garage with room for few GT-Rs? We can work on them all winter. I don’t have a lot of cash for mods but I’d like to do some preventative maintenance and some ‘cheaper’ performance upgrades like brake lines, porting and polishing pipes I can get off, etc.

I’m interested in helping with this project, because after reading it, it seems easy enough. I don’t have a heated garage though.

I have a non-heated garage. :phooey

hmmm, yah good one, didnt even cross my mind!!!


My car is in storage until the spring anyways, so I’m going to have to wait a while to do the flush. I have some other random projects that aren’t attached to the car that will keep me busy for the winter :slight_smile:

Ya, mine is stored too.

Oh, and if any of you guys are interested in the BNR32 service manual in PDF format with bookmarks, I’d be happy to share. It’s way easier to navigate than the regular one.

Edit: HICAS bleeding instructions are on Pg 644.

Can you e-mail it to me? I have the regular one but it is lame.

I’ll try, but I don’t know if Hotmail accepts files that big… almost 24MB! If not I’ll add you to MSN.

I uploaded the file to for whoever needs it. Thanks to Damien for providing the hosting :slight_smile:

R32 GTR Service manual

link doesnt work for me?

i assume this will be the same for a GTS-4 skyline?

can you PM me your msn so you can send me the manuual?

That’s odd… the link seems to work fine for me. PM sent :slight_smile:

ldirect link

you can always navigate:

for anyone who really wants.

public ftp acces:
password = public

you need to use a ftp program as thats just how the server is arranged.

You dont need to bleed your attessa until it give you a code.
Yes its good to do but unless your getting the 4wd light coming on and the attesa computer is giving you the proper code its not nessecary.

Couldn’t hurt dude, besides, just one more excuse to play with my car… not that I need one :slight_smile: