For my 1000th post I would just like to take the time to say a few words. I have never been the best with word or saying the right thing at the right time but I will give it a shot. I am grateful towards you people that will respect this and for those of you that don’t I am still grateful that you are in this club but obvious your just not as passionate about things as I am, but no worries it’s okay :lol: .
I would just like to say that when I joined this club just over a year ago I never thought it would be such a great club to belong to. Like usual when you are a noob you sometimes ask stupid questions and get stupid answers in responce. But one day everyone get’s over that hump. And man Im glad I did, I think I pissed off a few people with some of the things I used to ask :lol: …but I was new I didn’t know better.
As time went on I learned more and more each day thanks to the help of many people here and to the useful information I found in this website and Im still learning new things here and there. I started coming out to meets I got a chance to start putting faces to names and I started geting familliar with people here. Hell I even put my own meet together last October 23rd (2004 final fall meet and cruise) who remembers that meet? That was the most action packed kick ass meet ever and I still want to thank you all for coming, that was also the meet that Area240 was born.
I have met many of you here and I have yet to meet a person I didn’t like. I even made a few new friends through here, I think everyone here is great and it is nice to be in a club with such people as your selfs. Yes there have been a few flame wars that everyone including my self have been in, but it’s cool, I don’t take things like that too seriously so I never sweat it. Plus it’s free entertainment sometimes :lol: . But most important of all no matter what you have a 180sx or a 200sx or a 240sx a s13 or a s14 or a CA or a SR or a KA or a RB in the end we are all on the same team…So it’s all good :thumright:.
Anyway to make a long story short because my fingures are getting tired, I would like to thank everyone especially those that I have met over the past year and then sum for the great times and for all the help and I look forward to many more great times at meets etc. …as well as some help here and there :lol:.
If there area few things I would like to say to all the veterans is keep up the good job and the hard work, lately our site went through some changes and this site looks realy good now. If there is a few things I could say to the noobs is search before you post a question and if you can’t find your answer then post, don’t post stupid questions like I once did :lol: …actually I think I still post stupid questions sometimes :lol: don’t be shy, come out to the meets and have as much fun as possible.
Thanks guys and 2 girls. Take care and thanks again for the wonderful times and I look forward to many more wonderful times here at SON.
John S.
…Hey wow I feel so much better now!
Well! …I did my good deed for the day…now back to being normal!
You guys suck! :lol: