For one dollar


Well. Check for a male order hubby for Peter!


I can steal me a Mercedes Benz now that I have ordered my lock pick set off the intranets!!!

25 bucks gets you a mercedes? fuckin eh

Jesse. Try these out for me. If in 9 months you aint got a kid or a disease. MAYBE I’ll buy them.
Sick deal. 50 for 3.59??? Shyyyyt.

" the Mercedes benz requires laser cut keys" lol gone in 60 secs

but i bought a drift button for a dollar … its legit

I just got my E-Cigarette from there, for like $17 with 30 refills.

BTW anyone thinking about buying an E-Cigarette I highly recommend it.

Thinking about it seriously. But I dunno.
We’ll see I guess.
Kinda sketchy bout it

Lmao. Yes, and when you spray it, cheap shaving cream comes out.

Man for $17 you cant go wrong.

I got this one.

Lmfaao chris, im not being a condom tester for you, F that, unless you pay me :slight_smile:
and lol at you need laser cut keys for da benz :stuck_out_tongue: Watched gone in 60 seconds last weekend with the wifey

Been looking at this…more and more often.

lmao. I was just playin doood.

Nothing but Trojan for moi. Nothing else fits right anyways.
Getting harder and harder to find those extra small ones though :tear: lol

What are these E - cigarettes, re usable cigs? lol

read up on it dude.

I’m seriously considering it.

Just afraid of withdraw symptoms from loss of all the other AMAZING chemicals lol

how exactly do those e cig`s work?

i tried finding more in depth discussion but couldn`t find anything.

No they have nicotine cartridges. You smoke it just like a cig but it has no smell. You just re-charge the base. But you get the feeling of smoking a cig but its only vapour. I can smoke it at work now lol

I dont smoke, but maybe ill start now, lol jks
thats pretty cool sounding

If I get this E-cig shit. I am GOING to 22 Division and smokin that shit all inside. Then when they tackle me down beat me up and arrest me. I’ll fucking sue the SHIT outs their ass’. :smiley:

I just bought a new trackball for my piece of shit blackberry curve, as my current one no longer goes to the right.
I call it Zoo Lander.

$2 including shipping :slight_smile:

I think they all come from the same place. My buddy spent some big money on his driving down to the states etc. Mine does the same thing.

Also watch it when shipping from the states they are looking for these things now since surprize surprize the Canadian Guvernment is trying to figure out a way to regulate and tax is like tobacco cigarettes.

When I got it from (China) it said cigar pipes and cases on the packege. I guess to fool customs.