for people who have ka24

i need to know the exact rpm’s when the tranny’s in 2nd gear, going at 40km/hr

i need this to do my etest cause i have SR20 now and i don’t think it’s the same

dont the rollers have a speedo?

Yes but the final drive on the SR’s tranny is different than the one on the KA.

The final drive is in the differential. :roll:

edit: based on the info below, I take it back. :frowning:

There is a final drive in the tranny. All the gears when in gear turn the final drive in the tranny.

so can anyone find out for me? i only have couple more days to go…

The exact RPM’s on my DOHC show exactly 2,750 RPM at exactly 40 km/h in 2nd gear.

yo thanks! anyone else can confirm?!

about 2800 rpm at 40 km/h, second gear. i need new glasses, but that’s the closest approximate number i could see, wouldn’t be surprised if darkforcejackal’s numbers are exact (digital tach/speedo?). oh yeah, for dohc as well.

sam let me know if you pass!