For the first time ever, see inside proof that women generally suck as drivers

Sigh … all these videos.

So typical. Everytime I go for a drive, its like im playing a fucking game. “How many accidents can you avoid?”

LEVEL ONE - First Intersection - lol.

hahah, ur fucking right… that lot has the exact same 2 dollar parking sign…

I was gunna say, that neon had ontario plates.

Haha, thats funny stuff, Most is so true, well mostly about the parking, HOW CAN YOU NOT PARK? All the females I know are the worst parkers in the world, usually I have to do it for them.

LOL at the description of the video

"Sono sempre più convinto che a tante donne manchi qualche pezzetto di DNA…non ci sono altre spiegazioni a comportamenti del genere "

translation: “Im convinced more than ever that lots of women are missing a piece of DNA…theres no other explanation for the behaviour of women”


LMFAO good stuff

Jesus christ people like that piss me off if she fuckin told me not to do that i would tell here to get out of the car n than i would run her over.

oh i know you guys have nothin on me a was a pizza boy for a year and a half me and osad have the best worst drivin stories as we where pizza boyz

lol i like this one. Makes sence but is a little extreme.


old news.

sorry but the worst are idian chicks.

i had one back up about 300m. and then right into the side of my s13 when i was in it honking at her to stop, i got out and started waving and yelling and she STILL hit me. right behind the drivers door, she rolls down the window and says “no dammage” and then trys to drive off. after i stop her and ask for her info. i find out she had no ins.

i ask her to pay for the dammage and she tells me her husband has all the money and he would beat her if she asked for some. true storyy.

hahaha. I was very impressed at the chick that flipped her Volvo in the driveway…lol

That isn’t a Volvo, its a Skoda.

My apologies…:slight_smile:

LMFAO nice vid, I love when the guy parks the “LITTLE:rofl:” green car the shit was jokes.+1 for the end spot grab :slight_smile:

It’s funny, everyone is bashing on women drivers. Like there aren’t bad men drivers. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some woman drivers who shouldn’t be driving period.

But who are the drivers who street race on public roads? Who are the drivers who cause road rage incidents? A majority of them are men. I’d rather have a stupid woman driver not know how to park than a dumb male driver racing up public roads doing 120 km/hr.

There are bad drivers of both sexes out there but through videos like these and other experiences (including personal) it just shows that a fair amount of women do retarded things while driving. Men are a lot more risky and dangerous in terms of what they do (street racing, showing off, etc.), but when it comes down to pure driving ability and pure stupidity, it’s quite apparent that women are worse.


I noticed that most bad/stupid drivers are usually asian, brown, women, and old people.

The aggressive stupid drivers are usually men…they think that they can drive but they are just idiots.

young white girls almost sandwiched my s14 into a curb by her car, lane changing without checking blind spot. ENOUGH times. even wen my car is so dam loud