For the first time ever, see inside proof that women generally suck as drivers

same thing happen to me just the other day, had to slamm on my breaks just to avoid getting hit… good thing no one was tailgaiting me at that time

I noticed that most bad/stupid drivers are usually asian, brown, women, and old people.

The aggressive stupid drivers are usually men…they think that they can drive but they are just idiots.

Yeah, it’s like the men think they’re great driver’s (ricers, stupid people, etc.) but they’re just idiots, whereas the women are just trying to get from place to place and just fail miserably sometimes.

It bothers me seeing women driving really fast and aggressively too. Whenever I see that, I stay the fuck away. Whenever I encounter old asian women (three strikes and you’re out!) that’s just real dangerous territory…

that video is the best one,
what the hell does she do, just slam her foot on the gas and keep it there?

HAHAhaha ohh man… there’s TOOO many things you can say about this one…

I honestly coundn’t believe my eyes on this one… :/: :eek4:

lmfao! great video

lol, true conquerer. :slight_smile:

lmfao the video that roger240 posted of the girl washing the interior of the car is hilarious shes so calm about it, just casually spraying inside the car,

hahaha good shit