For the noobs looking to buy the best bike money can buy?

dude, you fucking rock (suck dick) so hard. gopeds are gay as shit if you really meant 1048r, if you were referring to a ducati 1098 then you suck balls and don’t get the point of the thread. why haven’t you been banned yet?

Bump in case somebody wants to compete with Locustus

isn’t it a ducati or a triumph or something?

it sounds like a tax form.

hey guys. i’m looking for a good starter bike… is this really a good deal? i’m interested.


what’s the point? by the time you crash that thing, your organs are just slime on the road.


Since you had a part in the H-date prank… i say YES… its the most perfect starter bike i’ve posted in the past 3 weeks. :slight_smile:

1048= nothing
1098R = a ~40k ducati, with traction control, ~200 hp, ohlins components, Marchesini wheels, etc etc etc…

1098R is a gorgeous bike. IN CASE YOU WANNA TOUR…
newman can attest. it is kinda comfy.


i dig it… florida must be rubbing off on me…

8.3 @ ~170… YIKES!

So fast. So ugly.

lol i was just reading this thread on hondatech

I actually think this one is tasteful, i would definitely ride this bike. (I wouldnt pay for it, and id rather turbo my bike, but this bike looks nice, clean, tasteful, and its FAST to boot.)

I think its time to upgrade mr. geoff.

hmm looks like a good one to learn on. I can’t decide between that or a ninja 250.

that busa looks good actually. not all riced out like most of them.

IDK if i could handle a busa. a 1000 is PLENTY fast for me

I’ll tell you what, i ran a 2006 busa, and walked it every single time from every gear and from a 30 roll, a 60 roll, etc etc… never once did it pull me… looks like the zx-10r is the fastest bike out, 0-180 mph.

Christ … my bike is that slow …

Time to start ordering parts

10.5 in the quarter is slow for this considering a new stock cbr1000cc runs 9.6 according to autoweekly

where are you getting 10.5 from?

the new stock cbr might be capable of 9.5 but i’ll put money on it that nobody on this forum would get a stock 1000rr into the 9’s… NOBODY, not without regearing, lowering, etc etc…

ubengineering, those magazines often use pro-riders, ideal temps, multiple runs, perfect winds, strapped front ends, and then they “correct” the times based on elevations and other factors…

^ not to mention the fact that he has an 06… my old 954rr, which was stock minus regearing ran 10.5 in the 1/4.

9.5 is wayyyyy optimistic… maybe with ricky gadson on it.
