For the noobs looking to buy the best bike money can buy?

Hardly the best, but stock wheelbase and 200+ wheel HP… should make for an interesting first season

the price seems fair too, clean bike

+1 for good learning bike

As it sits, should be good for 160 mph trap… most of the guys i see running them run 10.5 @ 150+ I’d imagine if they could launch them itd be deep in the 9’s with that trap. who knows :shrug:

mother of god…


sweet… Just remember to check the organ downer box on your license if you get this as a first bike.


I’m really liking the new B-kings as well, stripped down busa FTMFW

lol, in.

Lol I would love to show up to a Learn2Ride class in that thing.

no nitrous no care…best beginer bike i have seen this year

LOL @ hayabusa being “the best bike money can buy”

Please. There’s a reason you don’t see them in professional racing, they’re just a status symbol. You want a real bike? Get a 1048R and try 40 grand.

o rly?

hmm sounds like a siq beginner bike…nothing like doing wheelies all the way through 6th gear at 200+ mph…ill take 2 of them

a 1048R ehh? who makes it :gotme::gotme::gotme:

ummm turbo busa for drag racing would be hard to beat. those of you who know me, I’m hardly into acceleration as my only motive when riding. Hence why I do not ride a boat.

was that a stab at me? :wink:

Sounds like the perfect bike for someone of my size and build.

ahahaha oh devin you make me L O L


Made 248hp and 130ft/lbs at only 8psi with pump gas. It is a safe tune, but the kit is good for 300hp+

Yeah, you’re right. I’d probably just break it in half with my fat ass.

Best bike that money can by is a Y2K hands down for acceleration.