The problem w/ the thinkers vs. doers argument is that it will really come down to parenting and schooling of a child. Parents and teachers tell children that the jobs to get are the relaxed office type jobs and you gotta go to school, then college, do well, etc… BUT when it comes down to it, all that it really does is convince people they’re better than what they really are. You get the kids that think they deserve the world JUST because they went to school, and that after all that hard schooling everything should just come to them.
Schools are prolly the worst culprits of shaping a child’s mind IMO.
Schools and parents are ruining this generation of children. They tell the kids that barely get by that they can still do anything. They tell kids they don’t wanna be garbage men or landscapers for the rest of their life, that they need college to get a good job as a doctor/lawyer/etc… They don’t tell their kids that doing those types of jobs are good enough and can still make a comfortable living. They also make it more appealing to the kids because kids think that working in an office is cake compared to say, working in a manufacturing plant. Sure you’re not doing the manual labor, but you still do a lot of thinking that some kids just can’t do.
/KK type rant