for us that went to flash light drags

Yeah, you and me both when we get transmissions that actually work…lol

no, they weren’t.

Yes, they were,

and i was very afraid, i was way out of my element

I thought the only rule of street racing was put up or shut up. Thanks for the lesson on all these other rules. Boy would my face have been red if I showed up and broken some of those rules.



NDA is a little bitch & is just coming up with excuses

No BS, but it was pointless for me to mention it, I need to grow up…

Weather is looking good for today… I’ll be out walking around

dont have the money to race…so didnt bother going

What an awesome time… 12 cars that showed up… tons of racing time

Of those 12 cars, some nasty nasty vehices…

Including this one.

Good to meet you Mike! :slight_smile:

Nice meeting you too! Here are some more pics…

Dennis tree’s Micah:

Look closely at the Olds in the left lane - wheels up:

i miss going up there. i gotta make a trip to steel valley soon

we will be there next time

Only 12 people showed up?

Kind of sad…

June 13th… there are 2 FLD events that day, one at Beaverun and one at Steel Valley.

I think I am going to go to Beaverun because there is only 1 event there this year and 6 at Steel Valley

Michael and Turk know they dropped the ball on this one.

There was no start time listed on the FLD website, no directions, no price and the Steel Valley website did not make it any easier because there is no real address for the place.

Michael said that they were going to post maps last week but their web guy ended up in the hospital and had been there for the past 10 days.