
all of u LT1 guys out there

i like it hahahahhah :bigok:

do the change over to coilpacs!

im etierh going to do that the LTCC or the Delteq setup i dont know yet…i just thought that pic was sweet!!!

Someone get that little dude an umbrella and a raincoat!

I’d do anything to switch over to the coil/cylinder setup. Problem is, i’d have to take out a load to buy it. $700 or so. that’s insane… althought a new Opti is now near that much from GM… i’ll stick w/ my shitty one for now. :cool:

coming soon - pics of my new toy :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

haha. especially if the waterpump goes (atleast on vettes, so i assume same for f-bodies)

u assumed correct…same motor…different car!!!

yes that thing needs a rain coat!!!