Forclosed houses/west side/Allentown?

I’m looking for a house, looking to spend 50-70k. Don’t mind a fixer upper. Looking in the West side, but I’d go for allentown depending on specific location, and the house.

I’m huge on architecture. If it has potential, I don’t mind doing a shitload of work. but if its a new fabbed home, i don’t want it.

I am also curious about foreclosure properties. where can I find out about them?

and please, lets not make this a debate about houses in buffalo and allentown. this is where I want to live, and it’s not the question I’m asking.

Also, anyone know of good realitors for these neighborhoods?

and is this whole National Value Network thing worth doing? it seems you can search foreclosed/hud homes etc through it, but im not trying to give them my cc number and pay $10 if i dont even know if itw ill work out

when I was looking for homes, I just searched for “buffalo realitors” (sp?) and just went thru them and bookmarked the ones I liked (you can usually search by price) and then went thru them and narrowed it down.

just a word of caution… most forclosed homes you’ll find will most likely need alot of work, from my experiances atleast… most of the ones I was looking at need a good chunk of imediate $$$ thrown into them before they were even livible. good luck man… I have no experiance with that other thing you mentioned

i dont mind putting a lot of work in a house, if its worthwhile. if what i buy the house for, plus what it would take to fix it up, would equate to what i could buy a house already ready for, it wouldn’t be worth it

but that’s why i’m trying to buy now, so I can have all summer to fix it up

here you go…

foreclosed home owned by City of Buffalo

HUD 203k is your friend.

chickenball; that site doesnt really do too much, they dont seem to have anything at all lol

tom, i need to get on the hud ish. i had one nice place for 60k, but it was on rugby, and id prefer to stay on the west side