Any free foreclosure websites?

I’m curious about foreclosures, but all the websites charge, and they all seem kinda sketchy

any good ones out there?

Not really. Most of the sites that make you give a credit card number for a free trial, (free if you cancel it in a week) are super dated. I have people coming to me all the time with huge printouts from those sites with expired, sold, and incorrect listings.

Buffalo/Niagara homes is pretty accurate and up to date.
Almost everything that is listed is part of the “MLS” or multiple listing system. That is basically the database for RealtyUSA, Polis, and Hunt are all MLS based as well.
I work mainly as a buyers agent in the REO/foreclosure department at RealtyUSA. I also do a lot of preforclosure work, and I have usually access to properties before they even come on the market.

M&T all their foreclosings listed on there site

Here’s the website you want for local HUD houses.
Free of charge.I just closed on one last week from this website.
Your welcome.Goodies on here everyweek


I couldn’t find where on M&T’s website they have foreclosures

Jim (cartman007) worked for a bank and showed me an online list of their foreclosures

anyone know of any others?

I went to the county auction on Monday, and lost a GREAT place. beautiful 3650 sq ft west side home, I bid up to 68k and it went for 76k

anyone know of other options for foreclosures?


OMG houses for under 20k


i need to get back to buffalo… errr maybe not :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, Does HUD provide down payment assitance for Low income familys?? Or if your Low income your pretty much stuck paying rent for the rest of your life.

it is my understanding that to bid on a hud home you have to have a pre-approval notice for the amount you are bidding, before you can bid

the HUD website is awesome and full of helpful information.

Typically, if you would like to place a bid of a HUD foreclosure, you have to do contracts, write a deposit check, and have a letter of prequalification or a proof a funds. Then your real estate agent submits the bid online, and mails the contracts in. If you dont have everything in order they wont even consider your offer. Then you wait. It’s the same amount of work to present an offer on a regular home, you are just dealing with a bank instead of an owner so it takes them a couple days (my record is 19) to get back to you.