Buying a house in Buffalo?

I remember someone around here saying their buddy got a house by mckinley for like $40k. on chatam or fordham or one of those

I would be a little more interested ins omething on the west side, but whatever, I’ll take what I can get

if I can get away with spending 40-60k on something that has a garage, I’d be happy. looking for a double.

I’d prefer the west side, like surround elmwood village area (obv in the EV area is too expensive). I thought about down by ashland/bird/forest area

or i would go wherever around this area, whatever I could afford.

how do i find the deals on good houses.

My friend just bid on a house in some closed auction deal… she knew someone though that dealt with such matters… so Im not sure how you get into that otherwise… They are called PUG housing or PUD or some shit… I wasn’t really paying attention.

Buffalo is number one in the country for cheapest housing tho :tup: right infront of Erie pennsylvania… :eyebrow: … god we suck if the price of homes is higher in Eire… Oo

I’m in the process of looking to. Theres alot out there for around 80k with garages. I use and for most of my browsing.

It’s HUD housing

Sure it’s not what you are looking for, but it’s a $5000 house

do you have to have a HUD broker to buy a HUD house? if so how do I get in touch with that

Holy Fuck! $5000 for a house!??! what is it in “the fruitbelt”?

I’m not sure if there’s anything special about HUD, but you don’t generally have to have a broker from the agency that’s selling the house. I’m closing on a house in TOT on Tuesday and if I could give you a suggestion, don’t even get a “buyer’s realtor.” It’s just another person getting a piece of the pie. When you find a house you want, just negotiate it yourself and have your real estate attorney and the selling agent do the legal crap. I got suckered into having a purchasing agent because I was ignorant at the time. She turned out to be absolutely useless and just another level of bueurocracy, plus one more person getting a cut of my money.

i was just going to make a thread for this question, but it seems like some of the people viewing it know what they are talking about -

How do I find information on a house that isn’t necessarily on the market? Like a survey of the land, the title information, and what its apraised at?

i know its out of your league, but there was a bitching house on elmwood for 150K. it was huge. right near “we never close” or “weiner close”… or “ver close” depending on what part of the sign happens to be burned out that week.

if you make 40k a yr, you can get a mortgage for 150k with little to no problem.

my friend who makes <$40K just closed on a house with no money down. 100K loan.

Sorry you had a useless buyers agent, usually there pretty helpful in showing you houses among other things. Of course theres always the jerks out there that can make a bad rep for everyone. Its been explained before but Ill say it again that a buyers agent will cost you zero dollars. If your using the selling agent for the transaction they will just get the entire comission instead of spliting it with the buyers agent. Comission is paid from the selling price, and paid by the seller.

On another note Im pretty sure you have to have a real estate agent to buy a HUD house. I dont think there are HUD brokers, my mom would know all this crap if you want her # to ask I can let cha know.

I enjoy what it is right now on the bird ave side.

“WE NEVER O” … it’s a C that’s lit … but it looks like an O to meeeee :mamoru:

my old roommate gregory bought a bouse on bird for 46 k… he is in on the auctions and has blueprints of the city and such… works as an architect.

perhaps he knows of some other good deals.


I’d hate to see the intrest rate… it’s always a good idea to sell your car for at least a couple grand down… :wink:

yea spencer if you wouldn’t mind pm’ing me the number I’d appreciate it

me too pleeze

i just picked up a bitching pad myself :tup:

the ritzzzzzzzzzzzz pwns

Getting Spence’s mom’s number was easier than I thought.

:tup: Can’t wait to give her a call.