Buying a house in Buffalo?

Call the town’s assesor’s office. It’s also pretty easy to find online (although they can also tell you if you call) what the house sold for and when. The appraiser can tell you when/for how much the house was appraised at for tax purposes, but that usually has little to nothing to do with the market value of the house.

For instance:

Poopra: Yeah, if you find a realtor you like working with then I guess it would be helpful to have a buyer’s agent to find houses for you and help you with the process and all that. Haha I guess I’ve just been soured by my bad one. And what I mean about her getting my money is that they split the commission with the seller’s agent, which ultimately comes out of what I pay the seller. As for them charging a fee, you’re right in that they don’t.

2nd link is blocked @ work… but do you happen to know the address for the Akron NY site?

I don’t see any assessor’s office for Akron, but here is the village clerk. It looks like the clerk would be who to contact for assessments in Akron:

when i lived there it was “we ne lose”

still no luck online, I’ll just have to call.