Ford is really taking a step in the right direction....not.

[size=4]Ford motor company just revealed their 3 newest cars for 2008. The Taurus, Taurus X and Mercury Sable. [/size]


No, this is not a joke. These are the cars formerly known as the Five Hundred, Freestyle and Montego. Now slightly fresher with old names.

Due to low sales, they are just going to rebadge them and try to sell them as Tauruses and Sables :bloated:

Its a great day to be GM. :lol:

ok, i can understand them bringing back the taurus … but wtf is the taurus x ???

oh great … bring back a taurus model that never existed …

and why bring back the sable ? the sable was never a good seller, the only sable people care about anymore are the sable SHO’s

It’s like they’ve just given up. :gotme:

“Fuck I’m too hungover to do any work. Just put an old name on something and call it ‘heritage.’”

atleast they’ve caught up to the mid '90’s styling-wise.

Somedude said they wanted to rebage them with the Taurus name because EVERYONE knows what a Taurus is. Its pretty much a household name. People still dont know what a Ford 500 is yet. But the car has only ben out for what…all of 2 years? They havent given the car a chance to establish itself yet.

I just don’t understand the concept of just “renaming” something to make it better. Instead of actually putting the time and creativity into a vehicle thats going to be able to compete with your competitors…you are just going to rename the vehicles your competitors are blowing away.

All because the “Taurus” sold a lot of vehicles 12 years ago?

wtf? thats retarded

source? I can’t see why they’d do that especially since they’re going for a fresh new image…

All because the “Taurus” sold a lot of vehicles 12 years ago?

actually… the Taurus saved fords ass in the 80’s

If it takes more than 2 years for the general public to figure out what a car is then someone in marketing should lose their job.

Ford really does make some ugly-old fashioned cars. WTF is up with the model names anyway?

they obviously dont realize WHY it saved their ass back then … because it was ahead of its time back then

now they are trying to take a vehicals thats already dieing, slapping a “popular name” on it, and hoping for a repeat

You dont agree that more people know what a Taurus is as opposed to a 500? 2 years and sure some people know. Im saying the Taurus is heavily established. And whoever came up with this great GM styled idea for the re-name should be canned.

  • > Fords Tom Foolery

Kinda like making the next gen Celica a tC? :bloated:

The Taurus was allowed to rot by Ford. It was still selling strongly and has a lot of die-hard fans.

260 base horse, AWD, possible twin-turbo six or a 4.4L Yamaha V8.

and who the fuck cares if it saved their ass in the 80’s? Honda and Toyota weren’t the power houses they are today in the 80’s.

you really talk out of your ass a lot. they don’t even look remotely the same. I’m talking more about appearances. Its like like they kept the celica the same design wise and turned it into a tc. :bloated:

Scion and the Tc are selling cars though. So it worked.


i try to stay loyal cuz it kept food on the table and crap but ford is getting stupid. I love the discount and it pays for all of my dads bills and insurance but im glad i am leaning in a new direction. I think ford has fucked them self in a corner. I know the economy took a shit but your stupid asses should have slowed the production of cars a long long time ago. Dont they pay ppl to watch there sales and see that they were shitting the bed. Ford has nothing to compete with anyone else. No more svt line, they make all old ppl cars now. The new focus looks like shit. Im glad I am looking at getting a beater after my lease is up unless ford brings something nice out that I like.

You act like this is the one saving move that Ford has, it’s ace in the hole. It’s just another step that Mullaly is using to right a sinking ship. Nothing more, nothing less.

Same to you, peaches. :gay2:

I thought they were actually gonna do something decent and have a new taurus come out. But they pulled a page from 80s 90s GM and rebadged shit that already is out.

Ford is dead, The edge isnt selling, these wont sell much better. There saving grace is selling enough crown vics to cops and taxi companies, and making a decent full size truck .

I give them 5 years tops

Down here they no longer have crown vics, they stopped thse last year. All cops and detectives use Impalas and Chargers. The taxi companies down here use all Impalas.

so by your theory no company could change ANY of their car names. i guess in that case every fwd economy car chevy makes should be called the cavalier then, because the cars purpose and target market are the same :bloated: