Ford / Toyota partnership in the works?

Why does it always come back to the union? The company signed these contracts also. Let’s talk about the huge salary and benefit packages of the executives that Toyota doesn’t pay. What about layer upon layer of management, purchasing, lawyers etc. that Honda doesn’t have? How can you blame the union for poor decisions that management makes? Union members don’t get million dollar life insurance policies, sweetheart stock options (back-dated), private jets, rediculous expense accounts. The union doesn’t make GM pump millions, or billions, into a project only to abandon it at the last step before production. I’m really sick of the union bashing on this site. If you have never been on the inside you really only see one side of the true picture. That is the media side. Ask me in person for true stories about management wasting more money than they pay in wages. Or about “direct orders” to use out of spec supplier parts. Granted the UAW does share a part of the blame, but the companies make all the decisions, and the unions get most of the blame. If you want to start a “BASH THE UAW” thread go ahead. This thread is about cooperation between Ford and Toyota. Rant over.:rant: