Ford / Toyota partnership in the works?

right, because there wouldnt eb huge protests if they fired all the union workers and hired non union workers.

Like the retarded union workers over at Goodyear that harass the fuck out of out one driver who has pickups and deliveries there because FedEx is non union. Yup, unions helping America. :tup:

[QUOTE=2TurboZ Unions were designed to maintain the quality of a workforce and working conditions. Now they are the reason quality has gone down. I just never understood why people dont take a wage/benefit decrease to keep their job.[/QUOTE]

The company sets the standard for quality. If you ever worked in a UAW plant you would know this. I was ordered by a supervisor(non-union) to use parts from a supplier, that were tagged as “SCRAP” by a union inspector. The reason? Because a truck was waiting on the shipping dock for the product. Don’t tell me it’s my fault. Stuff like this happens all the time. Management runs the place, not the union!

If your boss told you that you were out of a job unless you took a 60% cut in wages and even more in benefits, would you say “sure”? I doubt it!

I would take 60% of something over 0% of something any day of the week.

Unions had their place…they need to be reformed so America can once again grow instead of farming the work out to cheap labor countries.

O and why do mfg. costs have to be cut like in your scenario? I believe it has a lot to do with the labor costs are out of control. So they cut corners. Union influence runs American Companies.

So… This thread has something to do with Ford and Toyota right?

not really its normal people talking about how unions actually have made the quality of american cars worse than than imports, and a teamster trying to say right to work states are evil

i’m not in a union, hell, im a full-time student, i don’t even have a job, but you people make it sound like unions are useless and provide no benefits. Proof that this is wrong goes no further than the “retarded union workers” at Goodyear Dunlop in Tonawanda.

The company posted record profits last year, yet they still wanted to completely cut health care for their retirees, who conveniently didn’t have a say in it, underfund their pension plan so that it would eventually run out, close a plant in texas immediately, and cut pay and health care benefits, despite record pay for the executives. The union held firm on their strike, the employees made the sacrifice of no paychecks in the month of december for the holiday season, and the company caved, yet they were still able to improve their capital structure and their stock price went up today. Unions still help everyone get their piece. Without them, the workers and retirees would have gotten fucked, the corporate office would be prospering, and the local economy would have gotten just a little bit shittier.

What the fuck. You choose to work for someone or some company, why the hell is it that you can “demand” something of your superior? I can’t do that in my job, if I even CONSIDERED it, I would be fucked hard core. I think its retarded that people rally behind an organization to take on their EMPLOYER, someone who gave them the chance to earn a wage. Fuck this feeling of entitlement all you shitbags have, you aren’t owed anything, get over it.

Oh, and a Foyota could be neat.

First off, please pull the union bullhorn out of your ass. I am sick and tired of hearing union mouthpieces talk about the problem being a few executives with million dollar salaries.

GM has a US unionized workforce of approximately 111000. That’s just US, just unionized people (Source). They make on average $27/hr, or $56160 a year if they work 40/week and NO OVERTIME (Source). I’m sure a lot take the overtime, because the three I know that work for GM local sure do.

So, 111000 people x 56160 = $6,216,000,000

Since most people don’t see numbers that big often, lets spell it out.
Six Billion, Two-hundred and sixteen-million dollars in unionized salary. And that’s not even counting health care, pension and other benefits.

The article I found from 1/06 has the CEO, Rick Wagoner, making 2.2 million, plus a bonus and “other compensation” of 2.6 million in 2004, as well as 400000 shares of stock. Sure, it’s a lot of money, but barely a drop in the bucket compared to what blue collar is costing GM. Even with high salaries there simply aren’t enough “superpowers” at GM to make it add up. Could management be cut? Sure. But it’s the the root of the problem.

Members of the board of directors receive $200,000 a year paid in cash and stock for their work, plus up to $30,000 for chairing a board committee or being a member of the audit committee. Again, simply not enough people to add up to anything like the unionized total.

So please, stop trying to blame management salaries for this problem.

Finally, the statement of “the company signed the contract” show’s exactly why GM will probably never recover. Unions managed to get these honeypot contracts back when the big three had no competition, and could afford to these contracts. But now unions refuse to give up anything from these old contracts without strikes and lawsuits, despite the fact that everyone knows GM/Ford will never be able to compete with Toyota/Honda without major changes.

:tup: Jays

Joe has a point. If you completely destroyed the unions in GM it probably wouldn’t be good either. GM would fuck over every employee and probably still manage to run the company into bankruptcy.

I think the only chance is for the government to step in, dissolve the current contracts, and put something in place that both sides can live with. Not billions in concessions and payouts, simply wipe the slate clean and start over. That will never happen though, so I have my doubts GM and Ford will survive. Since Chrysler is now run by zee Germans I don’t really even think of them as part of “the big three” anymore. It’s the big two, and that other US company that speaks with the German accent.

When they call a FedEx employee a scab and fuck with him while he is just trying to do his job, and then sit there saying how shitty goodyear tires are, ya i would say they are retarded.

probly a couple assholes giving the whole crowd a bad name. but i imagine if i didnt get a paycheck for over a month during the holiday season i’d be pretty pissed at the world in general

no, its all of them. They start a chant of “fuck fedex” when he is there.

:lol: apparently I should not buy a UAW product since I don’t agree with with there practices

see that is just retarded. an unrelated company isnt union, so they give the employee shit. do they yell at the kids at burger king for not being in a union too? :bloated:

no its because UPS is unionized, and they are backing the goodyear union. So That means FedEx is a piece of shit company.

its like fucking highschool drama