Former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto assassinated

Former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has died after a suicide bombing that killed at least 14 of her supporters, former Pakistan government spokesman Tariq Azim Khan and Pakistan’s primary television networks said. Bhutto was shot in the aftermath of the bomb attack, TV networks report



so she was blown up, then shot?

Why was she shot?:snky:

Ummm lets think… i have a puzzle with pieces but for some reason ok naw im taking a nap we will get to the bottom of this later.

i know she used to support the taliban, but i think then changed her mind later on

For anyone who isnt up on the situation she has created alot of issues ever since she started coming around again. Problem with the situation is with the way things work over here you cant really decide if someone is good/bad wants to help/not etc. It just dosent work like that. Most of the time its whatever helps their publicity or personal agenda is what they will do. Anyhow its been kinda know for a few months that she was on her way out if you ask me.

she was also ousted twice for alleged corruption charges…

i dunno if people arent informed just reasd the wiki entry

word. i knew it was just a matter of time before someone took her out.

My Indian coworker is ready to have a party.

This could get really bad for Pakistan real quick. She had alot of supporters.

This gets my vote for 2007’s “News Story Everyone Saw Coming” award.

They’ve tried to kill her multiple times. Everyone knew it was only a matter of time.

Not trying to start a shitstorm but is your coworker pro democracy and pro equal rights?

He’s anti-paki. That’s about all I can figure out. He’s said that now is the time for India to retake control of the Kashmir region.

HAHAHAH ok i got it now. That makes sense. I though he was paki you were just saying indian. Then i was like an americanized paki would not be happy. But he is actually indian ok good. So he wants to see India takeover eh interesting to say the least.

So from what im seeing here she was shot before the bomb went off FYI.


but now it’s interesting enough to find out he back story.

A lot more details there. So the guy got two shots off, hit her in the chest and neck, then blew himself up.

not to start an arguement here (seriously) but can you please stop using Fox news as a web-source…lol