Former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto assassinated

Should I use CNN, who all morning were reporting the bomb killed her while making no mention of a shooter?

Same details as Fox News, but from a European source so liberal anti-Fox News people will believe it:

JayS you might be my hero. Can you fly?

I’ve flown a plane. Does that count? :lol:

Ill think about it. Stop ruining it and just say yes damnit.

So then event itself is not what you care about only a minor detail that was fixed later during the day? I don’t think CNN or FOX News had reporters on the ground so all thier info came from secondary sources until they were able to have a representitive down there.

As for Pakistan, democracy will never work there because of the large amount of fundamentalists that live there. If they were to have free open elections there is a good chance they could have a extremist gov’t in power. Sucks but that is the truth.

Still it is sad to see a pro-democrat person die, especially in that way.

No, I posted the Fox News link because it had a lot more details about the topic we were discussing. The next post was simply defending that post after Bing had to weight in with his typical liberal BS.

Anyway, back on topic. When Pakistan breaks down into total chaos, do we know exactly where their nukes are?

liberal wtf? i’m just anti-bad-journalism

Fox is not news, it’s someone opinion of the news.

aaaaaanyways… assassination bad

They’re in Iran. Pakistan gave them away for safe keeping.

/Bush Propaganda

perfect. lets invade iran now then!!!:jam:

CNN says she died from the bomb not gunshot wounds. They conveniently don’t explicitly state that she wasn’t shot. (We all know that suicide bombings are more interesting and dramatic.) Then they say that Al Qaeda is claiming it.

USA Today says she was shot in the head and chest and that Musharref is blaming Al Qaeda.

Fox News says a man in Tennessee gave his 10 year old daughter an MP3 player from Wal-Mart that had porn on it.


That, and they had the correct story on the assassination yesterday. You = fail.

And cnn is reporting at a mascot cat has retired from the mountain. See, I can pick out a fluff story from the main page too.

:bsflag: Link?

:rx3:It wasn’t the main page it was an RSS feed.


what are you guys arguing about? news networks don’t report news anymore…they sell entertainment. its the only way they can stay in buisness. so arguing about what demographic they choose to entertain just seems pointless doesn’t it?

You stop spreading your propaganda. You’re Al Qaeda aren’t you? :eyebrow:

But yeah I don’t trust the media either. The nightly news is about as objective as a Michael Moore film. Maybe less.

i swear to god he is…

who cares about fox or cnn…

the links are useful from a topical point of view; as in hey look what happened.

you cannot use either as a reliable source for supporting or debunking an arguement.

:lol: Well it’s unanimous. Can d3x get an Al Qaeda custom title?

I believe it is called infotainment.:smiley:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It’s funny because this is from the guy who posted conspiracy theory site after conspiracy theory site as “proof” of the 9/11 conspiracy.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: