Former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto assassinated

i do own a kalashnikov. :wink:

Is that some sort of sausage?

It’s an AK47 assault rifle.

no but it could definatly turn someone into a bloody sausage. :wink:

well… technically its a company that makes assault rifles.

Bah, it’s the same thing, like if someone were to ask what a kleenex is.

even more technically, its the last name of the man who designed the AK-47

Now CNN is saying she died from hitting the car’s sunroof, and no bullets or shrapnel have been found.

Pretty soon it will be the gunman in the book depository and her brain will mysteriously vanish.

It was Colonel Mustard with the Candlestick in the Study!

Shrapnel to the side of the head is the official report. shrug

I usually don’t read anything until a few days after because of all the speculation.

JayS… do you realise how much of a total hypocrit you are?

Please read what you actually wrote in the quote…

then refer to the thread you are talking about:

I did not post a single link to any conspiracy site at all… EVER!!!

the only link i posted at all was a google video, so i guess google is a conspiracy site.


You DID post links to Snopes and national review etc. etc.

I’m not taking the argument back there, i am just pointing out that you accused me of posting conspiracy links when i did not and you actually did… please tell me how that is not hypocritical of you?

like seriously.

every retort you spout is just a smokescreen (see above quote), can you please go get an education or something so that you can not fall all over yourself in these situations that you love to dig your heels into.

You’re right bing, you didn’t post many links. You just said what they were saying without posting any sort of reference. You quoted loose change several times, then used their proof that 9/11 was a conspiracy.

And are you honestly calling snopes a conspiracy site? All snopes does is point how how most of the stuff people forward on the internet is complete bullshit.

Finally, go re-read that thread yourself. Your posts about building 7, the pentagon and stock shorting came from somewhere though you didn’t quote them. They clearly didn’t come from any source based in reality, hence the conspiracy theorist moniker you will continue to carry around.

Ok, so now the official story is the sunroof lever killed her.

So we’ve gone from bomb, to bullets, to bomb shrapnel to a sunroof lever.

Doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in their ability to lock down those nuclear weapons does it?

EDIT: And for bing and Fry, same details, but not from Fox News:

man i hate arguing anyways, i’m sorry that it hapened at all.

truth is i enjoy ‘debating’ about this shit but we go way past that every time.

Agreed. :beer2:

At the end of the day, this situation in Pakistan isn’t good. Musharraf has a real mess on his hands, much of it his own making. If it were some non-nuclear country I’d probably be happy to take the American stance of “who gives a shit about them” but a nuclear country being torn apart internally by terrorists isn’t something you can ignore.

Bhutto says Omar Sheikh ‘murdered Osama Bin Laden’

listen at the 6 minute mark
