Formula Kartways in Btown TONIGHT (SUNDAY)!!!!

jay s14 alphaqhard is going aswell

I don’t really care about timed laps.

I care about taking people over and or holding my position.

Timed laps have too many uncontrollable variables ie. faster karts.

Plus, battling is much more fun than time attack :slight_smile:

cya guys thurrrrrrr!

Yea, im just going to fuck around lol
Watch out Samson :wink:

Uh… You all forget that I’m going.

It’s obvious you have all purposely forgotten about me to quell your fears that I will destroy you all in any form of race. Battle, drift, timed, won’t matter.

I’m taking bribes to spare the humiliation though.


ahem. ul all lose to me. sorry but… cant touch this… nanananana nana nana…

cya all there 9 pm! 401 and steeles


you were the first on this post!

now it’s time for you to put your head down in shame while we pass you :slight_smile:

cya guys there

Being sarcastic!

See you there in 20.

Im going to eat you…like babies

tonite was jokes, drifting there is amazing.
I have a bit of a headach from the fumes lol…martino and i killed it for a few laps, kev reminded me of bowser in mario kart, he murder hit me 2 times lol.
It was fun to rip with you guys, need to do this again and with more people next time for sure.

we fukn owned that track.

manji’ing down the straight and linking turns…oh how i love drifting.

next meet will be given more notice for sure.

Yea Me, Chris, and Samson killllllllled the drifting lol

Haha, we got in trouble for manji’ing

Samson, get on talking to the manager about a bigger event.
I’m down to help organize.

^^ I definitely will. He was pretty happy and didn’t say anything about the drifting and the crashing.

how about GBtires drift day @ Formula Kartways???


Haha, that’d be sick!

im down with a GB drift day, soooo down get on that a.s.a.p ill help out also if you need.

i wounder what that track would be like in reverse…

ill come next time!! im to heavy to drift like you lil ppl!!

how the hell do you all get home so fast, gd

great night!!

i live less then 5 min away/

next time i’m in, didn’t have enough time to get there from waterlooo tonight.

damn, would had swing by, but it was too last minute and I didn’t know.

will there be another one?with a little more advance…