Formula Kartways This Friday


isn’t Wednesday’s still for members stuff only???

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday’s IIRC

or season…something. I know before they were not open to the public on those days. Or you had to book it. My memory fuckin fails.

yes, check the thread for TONIGHT!

They are open to public on Wednesday till 12am

Guess this didnt happen?? lol fuck i wish didnt have to work so early on thursay otherwise i would have made it to cson’s bday thing-a-ling :frowning:

Nothing is planned out yet. I have only had coffee three times in my life: once to try it, Abother before the touge, and one before I went karting. I know that dead feeling lol. Sometimes a little coffee makes it worth while every now and then.

I think we’d be better off doing something on a Saturday so most people wouldn’t have work schedule conflicts.

it did happen irff. There’s a thread with some pics. somewhere.

i think my best was a 32.33 how about u

That’s slow. Harmit (Gyani) was running 31s and we were just fucking around drifting that day.

^ haha.

I wanna go again. And redeem myself. Set some proper lap times. ahah.

naw fuck that. I wanna drift. haha.

I kept fucking that first corner up. Need to do better.

I just got another job after losing miy other one due to court shit so I am down for a session this week.

I went last sunday, have the time sheet with me right here. The girl at the desk let me and my buddies on the track for 20 min, even though we payed for 15. Doesn’t sound like a big difference but was an extra 10 laps for me. Total laps I completed was 40, my average lap time was 29.89. My fastest lap time was 28.98, second fastest was 29.31, and the rest are all consistent 29 + second laps.

It was boring after a while, so I slowed down for my buddies a couple laps just to fuck around with them. I am definately in for a karting day with the fellow 240 guys! I am probably going back there this Sunday around 3-4ish, if anyone wants to meet us there.

That’s some good lap work…now can you drift? :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, I say come out this Sunday and join us to find out :wink:

I can’t do Sunday, I am out of town that day. Why don’t you guys do Saturday? Stiky and I are trying to get some regularity rolling with this and I am sure we both could show up on Saturday as well as a few others, preferably in the evening. Let me know if you are willing to change things up.
