Forum Ownage FTW


Hey Paul Walkers of the world…you can’t run with all these digi cams and cellphones out there.

Ha… retards make baby jesus cry!

haha… look at the dudes face he must have been listening to Michael Jacksons “Im Bad”

lol i just finished reading the whole thing… it’s not really THAT interesting. mostly just the pictures, hahaha.

there wasn’t much followup to the story either… oh well at least that punk got owned.

that is truly amazing.

internets ftw.

thats just awesome, what are the odds of that happening on forums lol…and like one of the guys said on that forum, that kid seriously is ugly


what ended up happening to the hit and run dude

EDIT: He turned himself in and has been charged.

CTV Calgary did something on the news and mentioned Beyond and now its the cover of the Calgary Sun! Thats owned. CTV

over 60 registered members? wtf…where are they getting their information?

Heh … love how after saying that it’s been read and seen by millions on the internet … they blurred his face?

So I’m assuming he’s under 18. Watch him get off because those pictures were posted in the first place. That would be … ironic.

Yeah gotta love the CTV fact checking, wonder what kind of IMPORTANT figures they blunder? Oh just the government just spent $100 million on the the sponsoship scandal… has over 40,000 members.

correct me if i’m wrong, but i’m pretty sure they said 60 LOCAL members.