Found this on google maps... what is it?

I was looking for some new autocross lots when I found this.,-95.677068&sspn=38.775203,69.873047&layer=&ie=UTF8&t=k&om=1&z=17&ll=43.066662,-78.83037&spn=0.004389,0.011019&iwloc=addr

Anyone know what it is? That’s one huge set of buildings.

Looks like a huge bunch of greenhouses from microsoft’s site:
(have to click on birds eye)

weird, no greenhouses are showing up for a business search along shawnee rd

Warehouse or Factory…maybe greenhouse

yep. Its a tomato farm i think…

That’s a lotta tomatas…

Look at the size of that building compared to the neighborhood just to the left.

its a marijuana grow-op :snky:

its a hydroponic deal. there is also a warehouse of some sort not too far down the road. it could be either of those.

It’s a greenhouse for hydroponicly grown tomatoes.

My guess is a greenhouse for growing roses or something to that effect. I would think vegetables would be grown outside and the processing plant might be bigger. Thats just a guess.



that is on the same route, but its on erie ave, not shawnee rd where the pic is. the pic is a hydroponic greenhouse.

Bikerfry’s link is definitely it.

“Fortistar greenhouse is situated on approximately 44 acres in Wheatfield Township, Niagara County, New York. There are three greenhouses that cover approximately 12.5 acres. This is one of the largest greenhouses in the Northeast.”

Pretty cool.

my bad, i was just looking at the pic of the building on their website. didnt know they were owned by the same company.


that is on the same route, but its on erie ave, not shawnee rd where the pic is. the pic is a hydroponic greenhouse.


I gave you the link. Do I have to spoon feed you? :stuck_out_tongue:

do i need to direct you to the post above yours :slight_smile:

Touch’e salesman.,-95.677068&sspn=38.775203,69.873047&layer=&ie=UTF8&t=k&om=1&z=17&ll=43.066662,-78.83037&spn=0.004389,0.011019&iwloc=addr

This is the building i work in. Its a semiconductor manufacturing facility.