FR: Very nice apt(s) in the falls.Possibly free

Looking for someone to rent an apatment or 4 by the casino in the falls.All 4 are 2 bdrm 1 ba. and will be totally new inside once done.
What I may be looking for as well is someone to move in and help fix up(paint,grass,etc).If interested in doing something like that your rent would be free.PM me and we can talk more about it.
The apts are on 9th and Niagara and literally a 2 min. walk to the casino.Area is not as bad as eveyone thinks and is cleaning up weeekly.

sounds like a stellar deal

i would hop on this in a second if i didnt already pay zero dollars in rent

do i have to tell my wife i live there?


do i have to tell my wife i live there?




possibly in as i dont mind the area and i dont own anything of value lol

Whats the parking situation like at any of them?


Whats the parking situation like at any of them?



ues is there atleast off street parking? i have a work van and a car

this sounds like an amazing deal
how many of these apts do you have?
and how long is the rent free? lol

it seems like you would just park behind the houses.There is a huge field there so that should work.Both houses on either side are empty/abandoned so you could park there as well.I plan On renting them in the 275-295 range as hopefully that is cheap enough to make good ppl want to stay and take care of it.If you decide to do the fix up part and keep the lawn mowed, I would let you stay there until Nov. 1st free of charge.fix up is easy just painting and such. nothing hard.
I am VERY Creative in how I will accept rent.I will gladly take pepsi and pepsi products towards rent.You figure out how to get them cheap or 1/2 off:snky:

Man if it had a garage at one of them I would be too tempted.

Whens the Pizzeria Open???!?!?!?!


Man if it had a garage at one of them I would be too tempted.

Whens the Pizzeria Open???!?!?!?!


Looks like 2 weeks I hope.Just ordered the ovens today.$14,000 ouch;)

^^when are u hiring :slight_smile: lol i need a new job

wow pepsi… you got yourself a deal! i drink it like its nobodys bidnezz so your free to help yourself and hell for free rent for nov 1st shit id paint every room in all 4 buildings.
EDIT if your really serious about this… thats pretty cheap for a 2 bedroom apt.

what does it all have in it?
kitchen? like specs? what else?
more details if you please.


wow pepsi… you got yourself a deal! i drink it like its nobodys bidnezz so your free to help yourself and hell for free rent for nov 1st shit id paint every room in all 4 buildings.


I think you may have missed my point on taht one.
yes that would be a part of it(painting).

ahh gotcha but please more details if you would about the rooms and specs that would be :tup:

i sent you a PM please get back to me. i am very intrested in this.