Frame Rail Anyone?

made a rail for my coupe last night since its rotted. The rail will need some final trimming and the added lip at the top so i can weld it to the chassis. The welds came out alright, they could of been better as in uniform, but more to come.

the rail was fully welded on the outside & welded on the inside every few inch for added support.

Nice man can you do tig on stainless? for an exhaust?

What gauge metal is it? will you be cutting it out or welding over it. Thumbs up for good effort :slight_smile:

nice work! im planning on doing the same thing soon. Didint find a tutorial on this and it would be really nice if you posted more info about how you went about doing this, lots of pictures are always good! specifically where your welds are, and how much you cut away.


16g and ill be cutting the old rail out and matting this with the car and addin a lip to the top of my rail to weld it to the chassis

that looks awesome, i need something like this for my hatch

Nice, I (we) will have something similar in the works.

nice job man

if anyone needs hit me up! ill price it out

nice, you’d become a millionaire selling these things to s13 owners

LMAO! i should make a full rail and sell them…ha

^ DO IT!

Both rails on my hatch are shot, and my welding skills aren’t so amazing lol. I’d be interested in pricing.

well boys i just got my new toy :slight_smile: just waiting for my new helmet to come in



glad to see you bought a good welder. Sick helmet by the way

Miller > Lincoln! Lol
NICE purchase my friend.

The 225 is a great machine… Although a little light on the amperage…
The miller elite helmet is great (I own the canadian flag version) but vision is limited by the viewing area… And the batteies don’t keep charged like most do.
I’ve used the 225 countless times. You won’t be disappointed!

ya cant wait to start using it gotta get on my alum fab :slight_smile: lol

I’m not crazy about lincolns on aluminum. That’s where miller really shines imo.

thats alright end of the day still gets the job done :slight_smile: im really happy with it was tryin to pick between miller and lincoln, but went with the lincoln.

hell yeah. if you do that ill go buy a 240sx right now lol lol lol