IC: rame rail slips fix your rusty rails with stainless

ok so due to the amount of 240s out there with rusty ass frames im thinking about welding up some slips for the arch under the firewall where all the 240s rust out.

basicaly it will be all stainless steal and tig welded with stainless rod so it will NEVER RUST no under coat nothing, wont rust end of story.

they will be like a sock and you will need to cut out the rusty rail and weld this in or just simply slide it over and weld it in place, DS and PS avalable. theyll be sold about 100 bucks a side depending on my price of stainless sheet. who would be interested?

i would if u can fix this one spot on my rocker, about half a foot in lenght. Snow kills lol.

You can’t weld aluminum…

i’d be interested

lmfao thats the funnyest thing iv heard in a LONG time

thats easy to do

LOL, idn’t it?

I’d be up for a pair.

make em they’ll sell

lmfao of course you can weld aluminum lol how do you think they make fmic’s or rads lol

now back on topic will this replace the whole rail back to the seam under the door or just a small section where it 45’s

Curious… How do you expect people to install these? They’ll need a tig welder in order to weld stainless to the steel body. They can’t be riveted and pass a safety (officially).


Actually, SS will rust if it’s not prepped and welded properly.

Also it’s highly likely to rust without the correct filler rod. Welding SS to mild steel (even if it’s not mild steel. It sure isn’t SS) will create corrosion if the right filler rod isn’t used. I bet there are only 4-5 people on this site that know what the correct filler rod is. I also bet those same poeple are the only ones who could actually do this job right.

And have you ever TIG welded in, what would be in this case,
the 4F, 3G, and possibly 4G positions?

And further more… since the S/S section would be welded to the mild steel section. IF that mild steel section rots out then the S/S patch will just fall out with it…

Better idea would be to replace the entire frame rail but that is even more time consuming, costly and requires someone who knows what their doing.

You are correct! That didn’t even cross my mind!

If you were refering to making the whole frame rail out of SS, you would still have the same problem.

SS will also rust if the welded mild steel begins to rust. They don’t call rust cancer because it sits still, lol.

i belive i noted “with stainless steal filler rod”

learn to read.

i do this for a living if you wana be a smartass than do it somewhere else

if you wana shit on my thread. GO FUCK YOURSELF

im aware that the steal will rot. alot of ppl dont want to take the time and money to replace a whole frame rail, yet with a stainless steal one that will cost ALOT of money. trust me it will be alot for the whole rail

this is more of a cap to go ontop of the arch of the rail and maybe 1.5 feet long from ither side of the arch. there would be about a 1/4 inch to weld between the top of the frame (where it mounts to body) and the top of the cap.

im not sure about you but id rather weld in stainless and cut out the old rust then weld in regular steal that will rust. on my car everything i replace is made in stainless so it wont rust out again.

if you want to replace the whole rail than fine, but thats alot of work and it will rust out because its made of regular steal.

if you want to patch your frame, the patch and the frame have a chance of rusting, but fine

if you wana put a stainless cap over it so all your risking is the welds to rust, even better

my thought was “the less there is to rust, the beter”

^There are many many different types of SS filler rod for many many different types of situations.

I learned to read a long time ago.

I do it for a living as well. Which is why I was asking. I wasn’t trying to shit on your thread either.

Asking if you have ever welded in those positions is a legitament question. Why? Simply because TIG welding in those positions is tough now matter how long you’ve been doing it.

You seem to be illinformed in thinking that SS will never rust. When in fact, it will if it’s not prepped and welded correctly. It will also rust quicker if it’s not done right.

lol the funny part is where the hell did aluminum come from? i dident say anything about aluminum… and welding it lol

and i can make ither just the arch or to the seam like you say

Another legitament question I will ask. Do you have your welding tickets? If so which ones? You are more likely to get people to come to you if you have some form of certification. I’m not calling you out on it but if you are going to offer a service like this, that matter should be one of the first things addressed.

If I were a regular customer, I would deffinately want to know if you are certified to do the service you are advertising.

holy shit dude. your somthing else