IC: rame rail slips fix your rusty rails with stainless

^Please explain. I’m not being scarcastic either.

Sorry dude but your customers should be well informed. Which hasn’t seemed to be the case YET.
If you’re going to offer this type of service, people should know if you’re qualified to do so.

If it were a simple yes there would be no problems. I take welding seriously because there are a lot of poeple out there who think they can do it, but really can’t.
I’d hate to see a person do this type of work and then have their work (piece) takes a shit on them. People can sue you over shit like that.
If you really want to get technical my questions can be viewed in light of your own safety.

I just don’t want to see people getting ripped off by someone who MAY JUST be claiming they can do it. When they really can’t.

You still haven’t answered any of my questions though.

I’m with S13counterpart… IF you have your welding ticket or tickets then speak up because I’ve met and seen people who “claim” they can weld and quite frankly they couldnt weld worth a shit.

By saying “holy shit dude, your something else” leaves me to believe you aren’t a certified welder and have no tickets but please correct me if I’m wrong.

Fastback240… on a positive note. A good idea would be S/S Heat Shields on the DS to limit heat transfer from the exhaust to the frame rail because that doesnt help with them rotting out.

That’s exactly my point. There’s a BIG difference between someone who claims they can do it, and someone who is certified and can do it well.

And yes please correct us if we are wrong.

And before anyone asks. Yes, I have my tickets for TIG, MIG, and Stick in the 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G positions. Just not in the “F” positions.

I was actually saying that the OG can’t weld aluminum to my knowledge. I wasn’t denying the fact that welding aluminum is possible at all. What kind of a retard would say that?

Id take a pair…

Just to clarify

you say you will weld it out of stainless… so it will never rust…well thats false… If your any good at welding you should know that as soon as these are welded on the 240 or just set against the Mild steel rusted frames… they will be come contamanated and begin to rust just like mild steel… i just thoug I would throw this out there so no one gets confused when they see there Stainless rails rusting in a short period of time…

Trust me… you would be better off (financially) to just make them out of cheaper mild steel and just tell the customers to under coat the car and paint it all up when complete…

and i would know this because I HAVE MY welding tickets… Thats what I do…

One more question… is fastback240 you say you do this for a living… But I dont believe you… You would think a person would be able to spell simple words that are used in his every day life… Like STEEL… its not spelt STEAL… lol…

  1. u wana pull the G and F positions out of the book than fine, be my guest there not hard.
  2. i belive i said i will be selling just the cups for the rails not welding them in place. so you think any moron couldent look at it and see good welds and penitration?
  3. what gives you the right to come in here and tell me that what im doing is so bad. are you the king of france? i think not.
  4. holy shit you have your tickets? thats lovely i have mine to, i dont have flame or stick but i have mig and im working on tig. that shit costs money to get and im not rich, via why im selling this shit.
  5. for future refence if you see a FS thread and you dont like the product move on dont be a dick and come in here and say “well i have a piece of paper that says i know how to weld so i must be better than him”
  6. iv seen ppl that can weld circles around welding teachers and have no tickets. just cause i do have mine dosent mean anything.
  7. would you like me to post up copys of all my training and tickets? i have everything from confined space training to a gas fitters licence.
  8. your trying to tell me that stainless steal welded proporly to good metal will rust out?
  9. stop trying to prove me wrong. i dident start doing this yesterday.
  10. finnaly i have nothing to prove to you and i never will. im trying to help ppl with rust frames for a cheap solution that will solve there problem. if you have a problem with me trying to help ppl than you realy are a douch bag.

yeah iv bent up a couple of heat shilds for the BMC and the CMS but i think that keeping heat of the frame via a gaurd would have to be modded to fit a motor in spacific and thats alot of metal, besides its big and annoying and probly wouldent do much of anything

on the other hand i know alot of ppl with turbos that melt there BMC

problem is ppl that have there tickets and cant weld lol iv seen that before.

i have them. but im not going to brag about it, i belive that work speaks for itself, if a monkey could weld perfectly id let him weld on my car, he may be a monkey with no brain and no tickets but damn he can weld.

get my point?

mhmmm im sorry my spelling effects my welding.


ok this is getting weird…the guy offers to make rails outta stainless…

the 240 rails rust from the bottom up…

stainless wont rust from just the water…

the stainless in a welded combination joint with mild still doesn’t rust…the mild does…

why do you think he needs to mention official welding position name???..
do you think a welding shop is full of guys calling out “Im goin into a f104”

do you think mentioning brand type gage and lot# of welding wire is necessary in his initial thread??

gimme a break he’s offering stainless rails that wont rust like regular rails…a couple of drain holes and the rust will never come back in the middle of the stainless…


do you he intends on these being installed without removing the rust first??

do you think its wise to just weld them to rust?

do you thiunk he’s recommending that?

dont you think thayt anyone in their right mind will weld to good metal and if they have none its time for the scrap yard

do you think that if they do install these that they wont care anough about their car to still add rust inhibiting primer over the metal they just cleaned off!?!?!

you are an idiot acting like a pro…go take your test and do this for a living for a while…like a few years and ansk yousef if this whole conversation wouldn’t be had by the welder and the car owner when he brings them the rails…this is standard and par for the course in the regular day of a welder…

its like thinking that a painter wouldn’t ask what colour…

you shitted on a thread without even
asking if he had his ticket first.
asking if even he was the one doing the welding
asking if there would be any robotic or CNC welding
asking if he would guarantee any of the parts
asking exactly what grade of stainless would be used

you are a thread shitter because your jealous he thaught of it and you didn’t…

P.S. welding stainless to mild doesn’t cause rusting…but will rust…but not if you etch, prime and paint the joint like any other body part…
then you can polish the rest for all i care…it wont rust…


lmao i like to weld, i welded my exhaust with no gas and 110 welder. you should see all the bloches and leaking spots, but i can still weld with the best of them.

can i get 4 of theis frame inserts i need to make a bench for work.

hey everyone I have all the parts to make a R34 from scratch…but they are bare metal…and need assembly and need to be welded…and need to have averything done to them…its called raw iron ore…
oh and just in cae you didn’t want to assemble yourself I can do it…

but just in case you didn’t know that requires me to buy a shovel

just in case you didn’t know that would be a Garant excavator edition shovel…I will need to buy it from rona…just in case knowing where i baught it would be of some help too

gimme a break do you want blueprints and instructions on how to make it yourself too??

lol yeah mat ur the bomb, and that was flux core… lol

you can get 10 if you want, but ur guna need em for the hatch soon

im actually boxing my frame with basic Steel, 3/8ths thick, got 4" box steel and cut it open then made the bend, tigged it and now im in the process of slapping it in, ground the frame to bare clean steel and weld…

i noticed the inside sections of the 45 are a bitch on one side you got brake and gas lines(either make me scared as hell) and on the other the exhaust… im thinkin of just doing a half patch… should work no?
like newer cars and trucks only have a half frame… so my patch as long as its to good solid steel should hold right?

in lamen terms instead of having a “U” shaped patch i might modd it to a “L” shapped patch…

theroys and worrys?

bad idea. the gas lines and shit are easy to move, and the exhaust is easy aswell (like 4 bolts at cat and mani) youve come this far. it will work and hold but not as well by half and it will rust out fast. just box it.

iv boxed frames with 1/4 inch just to be sure, never get halfway there and giveup dude.