Q: will the weld on to the regular steel ones on the car or do I have to completely replace them all? or just build a chassis from scratch outta the stuff?
third and finally where can I get a good price on stainless steel stock ( tubing and sheet
I suppose your rails are rotted right.
No you can’t effectively weld stainless to steel…
You build your own tube chassis? can I see some pix? where do you live man i would like to see.
could u make them out of regular steel so that it is possible to weld onto existing? the front of my rails have already been capped and sleeved, but it looks like the car hopped a curb since then cus there all crunched. i just need to pull them out and cut out rusted crunched patch, but id love to just cut out all the rust and weld a c - channel with the proper curve at the front… think u can help me out??? or maybe this c channel stell stuff is already available, i just need the steel, id like to do the welding… THanks
so apparently ive been misinformed, as i read the replies from your original post, it sounds like ur already talking about exactly what i need! a sleeve for the front end of my rail on both sides, with the arch! perfect, if u could pm me thatd be great
wrong… stainless steel is regular steel without all the impurities you can weld it to regular steel i do it all the time
stainless CAN be welded to steel without any problems, and can be done effectively
yeah you can weld stainless to mild steel. They just add chromium, nickel and some other stuff to mild to make stainless. Just not sure what would happen with dissimilar metals on a car. remember thats how batterys are made (cathode and anode)(dissimilar metals). you could possibly cause the mild steel to rust faster even tho its painted. not sure exactly, but something to think about.
All it takes is proper prep work and the correct welding equipment selection. Then the SS wild bond fine to the mild without any corrosion.
With MIG I think you need SS wire, pure CO2 sheilding gas, and the proper amperage…
For TIG. You’d need the correct filler rod, amperage, and gas. I THINK (for both)! Not 100% sure.
It’s been a little while since I’ve bothered with either.
Obviously for both you need very clean prep work. Unclean prep work will result in shitty quality welds and corrosion.
SS cost too much and the Idea I had will take a lot of time (rotisserie) I’m most likely going to use MS plates cut out the rust and use some 7014 sticks on it not sure if gasless flux wire on the MIG will work … still need to borrow somebody’s welding unit
Wouldn’t it be eaier to pay someone to weld it for you?
I sure as hell wouldn’t lend out my welding machines unless they paid a security deposit for the whole cost of the machine. Insurace if you will.
whats the point in putting stainless anyways. the steel your welding to is just gonna rust on you. yea its a good thought to stop it from rusting but steel done properly can also last 5/6 years well maintained or more and then undercoat it. waste of money on cars.