Freakin' Time Warner

Ok, so I want to get my cable and internet hooked up in my new apartment.

I went with TW, because I eventually was going to get internet too. I told her I wanted digital cable. She told me that I had to get it with something else (phone or internet), and that it wasn’t available by itself. She said instead of getting standard cable ch. 2-99, for 59.95, I could get a package deal with digital cable, and internet for 29.95 each for a year. Cool deal, right?

So, the day that they scheduled to hook it up, they called and cancelled, because of the weather. The guy had rescheduled for me, and told me he’d be there on whatever day between 8-10am. So, I waited and waited and waited, and they never showed up. I called to see what the deal was and in their computer they had it on a different day between 12-3pm. So I told them I couldn’t do that because I’d be at work, and they still showed up. The guy called and said it was my problem and I’d have to reschedule.

Soooo, I call to reschedule, and first they couldn’t find my name in the computer. Then they couldn’t find my address. After getting huffy and puffy it was found, and the lady THEN told me that what I wanted was no longer available. I was on the phone for like an hour with them yesterday, and I wanted to punch her in the freakin’ face. Then she didn’t recognize the sale invoice # or some bullshit and put me on hold. Came back and said that I could not get the services I wanted for whatever reason.

I plan on going to TW tomorrow, and bitching, but I’ve never been in this situation before. I figured I’d post this up because I know a couple of you used to work at TW. I’m getting very impatient. All I want to do is watch some TV that’s not all fuzzy! Damn bunny ears are getting ghetto.

How would you handle this?

Cliffz: I want cable and internet for the price they told me, and now they changed their minds. I don’t know what to say to them to hook me up.

not use their service. get directv and dsl.

I want it all on one bill though and I like cable. I just hate their customer service.

Cliffs plz?
Too much whining to read the entire thing.

can’t have your cake and eat it too. Just setup automatic bill pay on your bank’s website. Its your right as a consumer to not have to settle for a company that does not give a shit about their customers.

I can sympothize.

I would hate watching anything that had to do with fuzzyfish.

In regards to your question, I’d just demand higher and higher levels of customer service. If you have your sales order #, and you have the appointment dates, I’m sure you’ll be fine. No company can get out of giving you a deal by skipping out on their end of the bargain.

Bitching will get you what you need.


Digital is available separate, I have it.

Dealing with them is a PIA though. While researching it I called a few times and got a different answer each time. One price was $58.95/mo the next was $72.95 for the same deal.

I had regular basic cable and you’d think they’d tell you it costs more than digital with DVR? No way! Just randomly talking to a friend they clued me in.

Do a search for Time Warner Buffalo online. You’ll find 3 or 4 sites who offer packages. They aren’t TW but represent them. Go through them to get the best deal. Digital w/DVR should be around $58.95/mo with the first 3 mo - $39.95/mo

Oh and to top it all off. No more than 1 hour after the guy installed it…it died. Took 3 days to get a repair guy out. He said the box I got was a crappy box and destined to fail. It was reconditioned and badly at that. He said he won’t even install them because they fail so much. He put in a brand new box and it’s been working fine since.

Jeez Dawn, just pm me. I could resolve this for you lol.


<3 ryan

<3 thanks Skunky

I got TW digi cable and internet in my apt.

They never gave me a problem :gotme:

u can get direct tv and verizon all on one bill. its never really 29.95. time warner customer service is really good talk to ryan he will get shit straight

werd, happened to a friends mother. She already has cable and wanted to order Internet and every time she called, they told her she had to order some extra bullshit with it (Phone service and shit). But it was always a different answer

Another friend of mine just downgraded from digital and she also ordered internet with NO PROBLEMS at all in the same time frame.

that’s total bullshit. I’d be asking to talk to a supervisor… are the sales people working on commission or something?

DirecTV, Verizon DSL bundle FTW. PM if you have questions on it.