Free bike!!
I have no idea were it came from it showed up in my driveway needs a little work good bike for someones kid. 412 277 0548 -Paul

stunt it

WTF! So u woke up and had a little kids bike in your yard and now you are giving it away on the internet? Correct me if i’m wrong but aren’t u a little fucking retarded?

Mr. McFeely dropped it off!

Its been here for like 3 weeks. I asked all the parents in the neighborhood if it was there kids bike. Its unclaimed so I want it gone not going to throw it away.

Just give it to Burnyd, i hear his girls got ran over by a bus and needs a new one.

I would but I dont have the title…

Race him on foot for it then:reloading

i’ll take it.

GONE thanks eurodad!!

no, thank you.

put it out in the front yard with a cardboard sign saying “FREE”. That shit will be gone before you know it. I’ed buy it but ehh, not worth the drive to get it

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



Do you know how to read??

Sorry I ment I would take it :rolleyes:

the bike is actually pretty decent minus the rattle can paint job. it’s a mongoose, it has 3 piece cranks, wheels are decent, just needs some lubing and tightning of some things.

Glad you like it! Its nice to know that it got a second chance hope your kids enjoy it.

:rofl: his kids.
Don is out in greensburg Stuntin