Free Candy: Adventures of a Duramax Van

Yeh turbo civic vs van. Seems like close race


Tell him to bring it out… I don’t know if I can win, but it’s worth a shot.

Lol thats the same tool who lost a wheel at the last auto x. Used stock lug nuts with 20mm spacers :rofl

:rofl that explains why he was using a steel wheel and his fender looked like it got buttfucked.

whats going on in mhea…

You possibly getting butt raped from a dig by my van.

No thats a 100% from a dig butt rape by the van.

I still want a go at the GP, I’ll be upset if I lose… not really though.

yea problly would haha

and death… suck a nut

Hey mclaren, your car is awesome.

Wait, no its not. Cant wait tp wreck you with 5 people in my car.

how bout i punch your fucking teeth in , oh wait you dont have any left

bitch ass


Wow that’s not a ban or anything. :rofl

:ohnoes :rofl

whaterve fuckin kids a punk.

How about we dont ruin this thread homeless harry potter? I may have a fucked up grill but my girlfriend is hotter than anything youll ever dream of touching.your poor smelly virgin ass has a shit car, no friends, no money and you look like you came out of hogwarts for homeless rednecks. Bring your “will ruin your car for food” Sign next time were all out, maybe ill throw ya a happy meal.

haha thats all you got?? virgin ass? you are retarded. fucking run your mouth to my face you bitch, i dont like your fucking attitude.

Holy shit lol