anyone ever had fluid drained from their knee?

Well I dislocated my knee cap and tore my quad muscle a bit back in november. I had the fluid drained off 2 days after and as much as it hurts get it done. I was able to flex it alot more and felt alot less pain. Recovery so fars been good, its been 2 mos i went to PT and worked it there and Friday i went ice skating. Now and then i get a buckling sensation in the joint but it comes an goes and doesnt really hinder my ablility to walk or climb ladders. You wont like stairs immediately it takes more muscle to go down then up. If they offer you the "shot " take it it will help. And if they offer pain killers take them sometimes recovery sucks, or at least you could turn a small profit (if they are good pills). If you want docs to goto i reccomend Buffalo Orthopedic Group , Dr ostemposki in specific. And get a MRI this way you know EXACTLY what is the issue. It could be different.