Has Anyone?

Ever had fluid drained from the knee? Long story short i fucked mine up again friday night and now its swollen as fuck. Went to the doc’s said its not broken had the x rayz done an so on. They want me to goto another office to get the fluid drained out and im kinda leery as to what im in for. So if youve had it done lemme know…


Ever had fluid drained from the knee? Long story short i fucked mine up again friday night and now its swollen as fuck. Went to the doc’s said its not broken had the x rayz done an so on. They want me to goto another office to get the fluid drained out and im kinda leery as to what im in for. So if youve had it done lemme know…


No big deal. Man up. I had it done when I was 15. (BMX pedal)

If you don’t, might get infected.

I had it done on my right knee. It actually was worse having my knee swolen and in pain than it was to have the fluid removed.


I had a whole lot of blood sucked out of my knee the first of 3 times that I busted chunks of cartilage off of my femur. They just shove in a big needle. Hurts like a motherfucker but very worth it because it feels so much better afterwards.

Not really sure why they’re saying you “have” to get it done though. The other 2 times I just rocked out with a swollen knee for a couple weeks waiting for surgery. The blood just gets reabsorbed. :gotme:

Man’d up and had that needle shoved in this morning. I think i cursed that poor nurse out a little to much but she was smiling the whole time. Wound up having about 3 large syringes full of blood removed. The pain is like way less then half of what it was before. I wont be imitating an more ufc fights in the near future i can tell you that much.

So what’s you rip that bled so much? Did you hear a “pop”? My busted cartilage didn’t show up on an x-ray either. Hell it snuck past the MRI too. They went in expecting to fix a torn meniscus and found a chunk of articular cartilage floating around.

yeah, i tore my acl, meniscus, pcl and none of that showed on the xray. mri ftw

Wasnt a loud pop just a kinad quiet one. But loud enough for me to realize that i had done something. I had a previous injury on the knee before (slightly torn cartilage ) so i think that somehow it came to haunt me again along with this one. Was told that there were no breaks in the bone, my acl seems to be just fine so just guessin i streched the muscle to far or another cartilage tear. Im just takin the pills that he prescribed and chillin, but im waaay more mobile now that the swelling an pain are almost gone. Just trying to figure out do i call into work or do i go and try to make it the 8hrs. But they want to send me for a MRI just to be even more positive… hell i cant lie they want to send me just to get more insurance money. But im just glad this is almost over, follow up tuesday a few more days of milking the crutch action with the wife ( better make it count).