Free FICO Credit Score! Post up here if you have the balls

credit karma is where i got mine

wow ur father was as retarded as mine when naming his son after him…with the same middle initial and not making it jr, sr. (this is my brothers scenario). What a pain in the ass when people call or important letters come in the mail.

I’m at 693.

At least I’m not in the crazy APR bracket.



well, ok, not ever. but really? that’s all you had to say? :poke:

I wasn’t crapping on his request, I was crapping on his inability to TAKE the very advice he was asking for. Perhaps you should actually READ that thread, not skim it with a biased eye (like the OP did) :ham:

People were telling him (as I was) that he needed to work his way though someone’s formal HPDE program not just self-taught-I’ve-been-to-Dunnville prior to just buying a car and jumping in feet first but he chose only to listen to what reinforced his pre-existing opinion, aka, that’s not looking for advice its looking for SELF VALIDATION. That was what I was railing against, and I’ll stand by that to the end.

Asking for advice requires a bit of humility and an open mind, but then again neither of those are things you’re very well known for walter.

PS this thread is still a huge e-penis-waving-meets-stupidity-contest.

765 on credit karma

730ish, only one bad mark and that corrected after a month. other then that its pretty much been the same. I have had 4 credit cards, all but one completely paid off and I have a car loan.



Yeah, we have different middle initials, but honestly, it doesn’t seem to make much of a difference. Somehow, a lot of his mail gets sent to my house as they think he moved. How they got the address without him doing a change of address is beyone me, and it’s not just garbage mail.

I hate it. There are what, a billion different names out there and your un imaginative ass has to give me your name, WTF??? I remember getting a platinum credit card application in my name when I was young, I want to say 15.

733 for a 22 y/o isn’t too shabby.

The haters on this forum will never let me down. Way to always have something negative to say in every thread made. :bigblap:

I hate you for hating on the haters. So STFU. :stuck_out_tongue:

i don’t think that creditkarma site is very accurate, last i checked my score was in the 730s about a month ago, and i closed on my house 10 months ago now. no way my score is under 700 now.

SHIT!(goes and cuts in the corner) lol

Where’s BuickGN? We need some love in here.

Bump for a 21 y/o with a 759 2 lines of credit first is an authorized user opened 05/05 and a deferred student loan opened 11/07.
But i haz a 759 i gotz great creditZ y0 what choo mean i cant get approved???

smooch to all

:lol: :bigclap: :rofl: :biglol:


Just closed on my exige loan, peeped my score. was a 757. I frankly thought it would be a little higher… I just paid off my 10,000 dollar credit card tho, lol. That was probably hurting me. :stuck_out_tongue: