Free food at UB today


Uno’s panini’s, grilled chicken sandwiches, coldstone icecream, etc.

Until 2 pm.

just a heads up

where the fuck?

do i have to be a student to get this food?


Where on campus?


damn, i might just drive out there for free food

yeah uh…the foods not THAT good

but its free. figure $3 in gas, and it is still worth it

You must drive a really kick ass hybrid to get to UB from GA on 1 gallon

oh yeah… its more like 2 gallons… whatever.

fucking work :tdown:

Thursday and Friday HP will be giving out free hot dogs at the tent near the clock towers. I got to work there all day at the tent next to them so if you stop by, say hi.

Not worth a trip to UB for just that, but if you are on campus, a heads up.

I just heard that the line is super super long now.

Might not be worth it anymore

yeah the line was pretty long when I got there, but the food was still good and they give u plenty to fill up for lunch

:tup: Zong, you pull through again


I’d drive from Jersey for free coldstone. :slight_smile:

i got the oreo overload…mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

it’s just free food

calm down

We cruised over there today and got some eats.

Gonna hit up the commons tomorrow for the food too :slight_smile: What time?