FREE! FREE! FREE! tomorrow night.

god damn, if I didn’t have to be up at 5am tomorrow I would totally do this

i guess kyle talked me into it, me and the gf will be there tonight

if anyone wants to meet up before and cruise down PM me

I can’t believe I’m gonna do this… :lol:

Oh well, at least it’s pink. I can deal with pink. :slight_smile:

noo were just going to hang out and party tonight

I know that silly…

But I’m still doing it…

Everyone else should too. Their work is absolutely amazing. I’ll never go anywhere else.

BUMP for free skulls.

30 done since noon!

holy poo

any pictures of them, steve? i don’t really want my first tattoo to be a pink skizzy


heres a pic from my friend eric

i think there were about 85 skulls done.thanks everybody!

[quote=“Bsp TC,post:30,topic:24277"”]

heres a pic from my friend eric


i see nothing.