Free KFC

Watch for the coupons in next months welfare checks.
I’m also excited to wait even longer the next time i’m in the hospital, only to spend it in a room with 6 people.

ps I paid for some of them so be thankful.

There are things I like about each candidate…
I’m happy and disappointed at the same time right now…

Same here.

As long as I get free KFC I’ll be happy

i have never paid for food at KFC

i hope your mother gets raped

awesome Steve!

wow… way to be a complete and utter moron…

what happens if you don’t like KFC?

Chicken lady fucker.

Then you don’t eat no chicken.:nono:

I used to like KFC but I have yet to find a decent looking one up here that would be sanitary to eat at without picking up a mutant form of gonorrhea

The KFC was a joke, comment about healthcare was not. As I stated there are things I like about each person.


you’re an idiot, read my post.

Right now I’m content with Obama, then again month over month my income keeps increasing.

I may hit the 200k mark before this term is over. I’m also contracted by a lot of small business’s. Which may be hurt financially, therefore they may not be able to afford me.

I was totally up in the air on this whole thing, part of me said Obama and the other Said C’mon John.

I’m pumped, when do I get my chicken check?

wow… tell me to shut up… what a witty response…

jesus… who cares, it’s a joke… don’t take it so seriously. I somehow doubt we’re really getting free KFC :smiley:

have a sense of humor



Chicken fucker, chicken fucker, where for art thou, little chicken fucker?

There are things that are funny then there are things that are closed minded and just play stupid to say… this being the latter…

eh, I find it no different than the constant “redneck” bashing, but to each their own